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i usually boot repl
in the script's directory, and then (load-file "script.boot")
at the repl
alternatively, in the script, you can call (boot (repl))
Oh man, I've always wanted to simply add a library to a running lein repl session. I need to gush about how easy it was for myself as a boot noob to do just that! 😄!
Yeah it's a good one. This might not be the right place for this kind of question, but: I'm trying to write a script that uses enlive to make some content pages. I went for boot since it's more of a one-off script, and simple so I can learn boot. I'm having an issue with enlive though. my 'project directory' has a directory with 2 files:
-rw-r--r-- 1 escherize staff 219 Dec 20 15:16 page.html
-rwxr-xr-x 1 escherize staff 278 Dec 20 15:31 sausage-maker
I can slurp and spit page.html no problem. And I'm able to get deftemplate working when i set it up with lein, having the html file in my-lein-project/resources/page.html
However I'm unable to get deftemplate working with the same code when page.html in any of :
@escherize: what are your :source-paths
and :resource-paths
I see.
boot show -f
Implicit target dir is deprecated, please use the target task instead.
Set BOOT_EMIT_TARGET=no to disable implicit target dir.
#!/usr/bin/env boot
(set-env! :dependencies '[[enlive "1.1.6"]
[markdown-clj "0.9.82"]])
(require '[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
(require '[markdown.core :as md])
(html/deftemplate main-template "page.html" [])
(defn -main [& args]
$ ./sausage-maker
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: HTML resource not found.
data: {:file "boot.user6845050520989036543.clj", :line 17}
java.lang.NullPointerException: HTML resource not found.
net.cgrand.tagsoup/parser tagsoup.clj: 30
net.cgrand.enlive-html/eval205/fn enlive_html.clj: 89
net.cgrand.enlive-html/html-resource enlive_html.clj: 69
net.cgrand.enlive-html/html-resource enlive_html.clj: 72
boot.user/fn boot.user6845050520989036543.clj: 17
boot.main/-main/fn main.clj: 177
boot.main/-main main.clj: 177
boot.App.runBoot 390
boot.App.main 467
boot.Loader.main 253
love the parrot
@micha: You suggested appending "."
to the Boot :directories
for @escherize but would specifying :source-paths
as #{"."}
have worked as well?
@seancorfield: probably, but wouldn't have been appropriate since a fileset wasn't needed
we used to have an option for adding CWD as a source path, but realized people's homedirs can be pretty huge/deep... and it would lock up instantly
Got it. So the fileset aspect is the decider there, thank you.
right, no problemo
A question came up on boot-expectations (from mimmo costanza) that was essentially what's the difference between user-dirs and input-dirs, as a consideration for a task?
It seemed to me that input-dirs could be a larger set, including folders that a previous task has written to?
So you could have a task that generated tests and you'd want input-dirs to pick up those, rather than user-dirs since the generated tests are user-supplied folders?
input are files that are potentially source files for some later task to operate on, eg. compile them, process them, etc
On the filesets page, I was surprised that assets are not considered inputs...
So if you want to preprocess a file to generate CSS (for example), that file has to be a source, not an asset?
(and the generated CSS file is an asset)
so it can be input for some later task, but it will also be included in a jar or a war file
The table of input/output is fairly clear -- and input-dirs
follows on from that -- but the I don't think that page is all that clear on user-dirs
For web apps I can see CSS and images being assets rather than resources... but I can see the value of them also being available to later tasks.
OK, so using input-dirs
in a task is normally the right thing to do?
yeah if you're querying over the fileset to get files i would normally use input-files
or output-files
If you output the fileset, you get series of "random" temp paths into the cache: is there an easy way to find out what real files / folders those refer to (in the user space)? Clearly Boot knows the mapping...
...mostly just curiosity on my part
The mappings between real user folders and the temporary directories (where those exist).
for example here:
I'll try asking a different way...
that gets the objects for all the pom.xml files in the fileset that are input files
Let's say we start with user dirs A, B, and C, and we tell Boot that A and B are resources, and C is target. Boot creates temporary directories for A, B, and C, yes? And copies (links) the original content into those temporary directories right?
So... the watchers know the mapping
If I get to the point where I think I have a really good handle on it, I may suggest some edits to the filesets wiki page to clarify the relationships (since reading that caused me to ask these questions).
working on making a lib boot'iful, it does not seem I can have overlapping :source-paths
. I do have a set of cljc
tests that use two different apps for testing: one under clj
, another one under cljs
(set-env! :source-paths #(conj % "test" "test/clj"))
boot says: (!) :source-paths must not overlap.
I can move clj
and cljs
apps that are used for testing outside of test
, but wanted to see if I am missing something (in my first couple hours of boot)
@tolitius: when you add a path everything under that path is also added
including sub directories
so :source-paths #{“test”}
already includes test/clj
and test/cljs
@flyboarder: yep, thanks. I do understand that, but the tests require artifacts from test apps as (require [])
, and making them do (require [])
/ (require [])
does not seem clean.
converting "it" from lein
. there I add both "test" and ("test/clj" or "test/cljs") depending on the platform
and there are other things in test
which you need i presume?
Howdy, I'm back with my sausage-makering activities (using a boot script). Tried running it on a fresh boot install (not my machine) and getting:
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not locate markdown/common__init.class or markdown/common.clj on classpath:
data: {:file "markdown/core.clj", :line 1} Could not locate markdown/common__init.class or markdown/common.clj on classpath:
Here's the relevant part of the script:
#!/usr/bin/env boot
(set-env! :dependencies '[[enlive "1.1.6"] [markdown-clj "0.9.82"]])
(set-env! :directories #(conj % "."))
(set-env! :directories #(conj % "./content-sites"))
(require '[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
(require '[markdown.core :as md])
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(use '[])
(println (md/md-to-html-string "# Hi."))
thanks boot for powering our content marketing strats @
@micha testing the above I noticed the "Implicit target dir is deprecated, ..." warning is printed even when the target task is used — is that expected?
@martinklepsch: Yes, you need to set the environment variable.
@magomimmo: I'm reading your comment on boot-expectations but when I've used adzerk-oss/boot-test (on which boot-expectations is based in many ways), I didn't see the "tests all loaded namespaces" problem, as I recall: it only tested namespaces in my source code.
I don't know whether that was due to my project setup or something else.
@seancorfield: take a look at
Yes, I read that.
@seancorfield: try this as well: and this
@seancorfield: I used reader conditions…but I don’t think this causes the problem
Sounds to me like it's related to cljs and cljc files, from reading those issues.
@seancorfield: at least not for the all-ns*
@seancorfield: and what about duplication?
@seancorfield: I’m going to eat...
I don't work with cljs and I don't use cljc (because of that) so I haven't run into any of those problems so far.
I also don't experience the "all namespaces" problem shown in the Jay Fields article you linked to (which was from 2010 -- so maybe that's not even an issue any more?).
`boot.user=> (doc clojure.test/run-all-tests) ------------------------- clojure.test/run-all-tests ([] [re]) Runs all tests in all namespaces; prints results. Optional argument is a regular expression; only namespaces with names matching the regular expression (with re-matches) will be tested. nil boot.user=>`
Just ran boot-test against a small (pure clj) project here with several dependencies and the only namespaces it tries to test are the two that are actually in my source code. So I don't see the behavior that Jay Fields showed in his article.
I know what the source code does.
I'm just saying that in real world projects, I'm not seeing the behavior you claim. If you can create a small, self-contained, test repo that demonstrates a problem with boot-expectations, I'd be perfectly happy to look at the issue.
so there is something that I do not understand too. what does return to you (all-ns)
I don't see the problem with clojure.test in the projects we use at work (with lein test
right now, but I'm not seeing it on test projects with boot test
either), and I don't see the problem with boot expectations
on a large project at work: I instrumented boot-expectations to print all the input namespaces it is requiring and don't see it trying to require extra namespaces and I don't see it trying to test extra namespaces.
Instead of reading the source, you could try to create a small, self-contained test projects that shows the problem...
I'm not very interested in doing something at the REPL since we're talking about how boot test
and boot expectations
work, not how the underlying code works
Both boot test
and boot expectations
support include / exclude namespaces by regex (so this all seems like a moot point anyway).
@magomimmo: this is the PR that fixes one of the issues, right?
@seancorfield @misha contrary to the comment above, boot test
only supports include / exclude by namespaces, unless I’ve missed something
whoops, @micha
but regex sounds darn rootin tootin’
thanks for boot expectations @seancorfield, very nice job there
I cannot claim credit for most of boot-expectations
that runs a bit later though, after loading the vars
If distinct
solves the problem with duplicates, I can add that easily to boot-expectations
too. I'll open an issue to remind me for when I'm on my desktop system.
i’m still not sure if there was user error leading to those duplicates
distinct is a good safety net though
@micha: here is the only commit I make to the fileset in boot-cljs-test, which I believe caused the second copy of cljs files to appear in the fileset
hm, so there are multiple files in the fileset that contain souce code for the same namespaces?
@micha: and when used alone, without cljs-test task, I do not see all the other namespaces as well
@crisptrutski: maybe the show -f
task before and after cljs-test would show something?
you can use boot.core/rm
to remove files from the fileset before calling commit!
, or boot.core/mv
if you want to move a file
that is if you're performing a transformation from say foo.cljs
-> bar.cljs
, and you don't want foo
to be on the classpath
in my case I was actually not intending to do anything, but create a cljs
file. so the duplicate clj
files were totally out of leftfield
good idea with show -f
, I’ll pepper that through the pipeline and see where they get added, potentially during boot-cljs
boot test-cljs test
still runs all namespaces (on cljs only). boot test test-cljs
as well
there are also the boot.core/mv-asset
, mv-resource
, and mv-source
functions that will maybe be something you can use
So I was right that the problem you saw is related to cljs testing after all?
@seancorfield: i think it’s a problem with doo
+ filesets
yeah only seeing issue with cljs also
if i recall correctly, using doo with leiningen doesn’t have the problem
@seancorfield: at the moment, with the distinct
form the issue is confined to test-cljs
. yes it seems that you were right
if it's running in a pod it should be isolated, so namespaces it requires or loads won't be seen by the rest of the boot program
you need to be at least one pod down?
i mean if the problem is that doo is loading namespaces that then are confusing other tasks
nah, the issue is the other way around - when you finally run doo, which is the test runner, it runs tests for namespaces from your deps. those deps were always loaded, things like clojure.string
the doo lein plugin does boot-inspired magic - code generates an inner leiningen project
pod jealousy
@bensu is going to see this any minute now and chastise my bad characterisation
doo takes a fixed list of namespaces, like boot-test does, using that at the moment. and should support regexes itself soon. just the “default” case needs better defaults
it's awesome @crisptrutski
ok, have a big file of stuff debugged, posted here:
if I run boot add-source-paths -t test/cljc test
it correctly run test on all the project namespaces, I mean the ones I defined my self
and here’s the source for the test suite underneath that, if you haven’t been sucked down the rabbit hole to it yet:
but if I run boot add-source-paths -t test/cljc test-cljs test
the test task runs any other cljc namespace, even the ones that are from a dependency
wonder if it isn’t just the output.out
giving the duplicates.
@crisptrutski: it’s not about duplicates anymore (thanks to distinct
, it’s about causing test.cljs
running the test on a lot of namespaces from the dependencies and the test
on any cljc source file from the deps as well (but only that)
@crisptrutski: I should try that branch….give me few minutes.
@crisptrutski: with the portable branch now test
behaviour is correct. it only runs the namespaces defined by me, not the ones from any portable namespace coming from a dep
try running boot test-basic
in my example
that still has the issue
the other tasks are using my whacky wrap-task
@crisptrutski: test-cljs
still runs almost any cljs namespace (on you example and on my repo as well
you’re using the underlying tasks directly? i’m just talking about the test tasks defined in that build.boot
, auto-test
, etc
ok, i’ve confirmed the lein/boot split with doo
can checkout and run lein doo phantom test once
and boot add-tests test-cljs -e phantom
sadly, that means the issue is really cljs.test/run-all-tests
in CLJS itself
we could fix that, maybe keeping a pod around
but think this issue might be worth fixing at the root, not with a bandaid
sadly, that means the issue is really cljs.test/run-all-tests
in CLJS itself…it’s what I was trying to say from the beginning
perhaps a namespace blacklist could be generated from the deps? you could amortize that cost and do it asynchronously
to solve the (all-ns)
jaycfields did this: `(defmethod report :begin-test-ns [m]
(if (some #(:test (meta %)) (vals (ns-interns (:ns m))))
(println "\nTesting" (ns-name (:ns m))))))`
whitelist is fast enough, i think the actual perf hit was wrap-task, recreating boot-cljs-test was ending up without cljs analysis cache etc
i’m looking at how cljs-test chooses namespaces to test, comes down to a value called ::ana/namespaces
in the analyzer cache.. going to see what that value looks like resp. between these lein and doo examples
@crisptrutski: good luck!
ok, i take it back. they both have the problem. the lein suite just had the namespaces listed after all
i’m off to sleep now, but i’ll just add include
, exclude
options like boot-expectations this week. it’ll be fast if they’re actual options and not bolted on with wrap-task
haha that's a good expression @magomimmo
for boot-test
, as mentioned above -f
could be used, but it’s a bit annoying to build the predicate
maybe boot-test
wants to add some option sugar or predicate builders as sugar for this case?
not sure how you feel about just breaking semver and changing include exclude to regex
that works too
breaking semver i meant a major bump - not breaking semver itself
what i like about the breaking change is that the various tasks would be somewhat standardised
because not planning on adding literal exclusions, think they’re wimpy against literal inclusions
sure, as long as symbols and strings get treated as (re-pattern (str “^” ns “$”))
you could even forget hygeine
guess that sucks for cli usage
if you wanted backwards compat you’d need some kind of unusual signifier to actually use regexes from cli
maybe the regexes need to be complete anyway
then done
sounds good
yeah, as long a regexes can never be partial matches
created issue for this:
happy to take a stab at a PR later this week
might also take a stab at your “deferred errors via fileset” idea
anyhoo - night
thanks for munching on our bugbears tonight
because people have invested in build.boot files and stuff that we don't want them to have to change
so if we can still accomodate the old style in build.boot it would be totally acceptable i think
LMK what you decide to do re: regex include / exclude — it would obviously be desirable for boot-test and boot-expectations to behave much the same way 😸
And at this point it doesn’t sound like adding distinct
is particularly important to boot-expectations? (but it wouldn’t hurt)
Merged. 1.0.1 released.