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How do you use recur with the second version of a function? Ignore the logic behind this and whether or not it works, as I'm fighting with it at the moment, but currently getting a syntax issue:

(defn determine-digits
   (if (= (quot remaining-digits 10) 0)
     (recur (quot remaining-digits 10) 1)))
  ([remaining-digits digits-so-far]
   (if (= (quot remaining-digits 10) 0)
     (recur (quot remaining-digits 10) (inc digits-so-far)))))
Syntax error (IllegalArgumentException) compiling recur at (form-init4233438687175101551.clj:5:6).
Mismatched argument count to recur, expected: 1 args, got: 2
I'm guessing because on line 5 recur somehow only recurs to that particular arity instance of the function? What's a better approach for what I'm trying to do syntactically, again, glossing over other logic issues


The recur expression must match the arity of the recursion point exactly.


You're trying to recur into another function, even though it looks like the same function, you're creating two functions that differ by arity


And you can't recur into the other one


You need to merge both of them into the two arity one, and then make the one-arity a call to the two-arity


Ended up with

(defn digits
   (digits remaining-digits 1))
  ([remaining-digits digits-so-far]
   (if (= (quot remaining-digits 10) 0)
     (recur (quot remaining-digits 10) (inc digits-so-far)))))


Yes, that's how you do it


You can alternatively use the loop/recur syntax. Typically, calls to the two arity function will be internal so you can avoid exposing it.


If you don't particularly care about performance, you could just define it like this πŸ˜›:

(defn digit-count [n]
  (count (str (Math/abs n))))


@U883WCP5Z That's how I did it initially. This is for exercism. My mentor said to do it arithmetically. I wonder, truly though, how much more/less performant each version is


Well, here they are:

user=> (defn digits2 [n]
  #_=>   (loop [num (long n)
  #_=>          d 1]
  #_=>     (let [q (quot num 10)]
  #_=>       (if (zero? q)
  #_=>         d
  #_=>         (recur q (inc d))))))
user=> (defn digits1 [n]
  #_=>   (count (str (Math/abs (long n)))))
user=> (crit/quick-bench (digits1 1234567890123456789))
Evaluation count : 7296390 in 6 samples of 1216065 calls.
             Execution time mean : 75.719094 ns
    Execution time std-deviation : 2.568614 ns
   Execution time lower quantile : 72.614107 ns ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 78.657657 ns (97.5%)
                   Overhead used : 9.051454 ns
user=> (crit/quick-bench (digits2 1234567890123456789))
Evaluation count : 15884838 in 6 samples of 2647473 calls.
             Execution time mean : 28.911209 ns
    Execution time std-deviation : 0.276928 ns
   Execution time lower quantile : 28.680677 ns ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 29.357405 ns (97.5%)
                   Overhead used : 9.051454 ns

Found 1 outliers in 6 samples (16.6667 %)
	low-severe	 1 (16.6667 %)
 Variance from outliers : 13.8889 % Variance is moderately inflated by outliers
The long is to avoid reflective calls.


Wow, thank you for that. Super interesting, ok so now we know it's definitely slower the way I was doing it


any problem by changing this recur on line 5 to a call with the name of the function?


Hmm I somehow thought you shouldn't do that for reasons that escape me, no TCO I think it was


(defn determine-digits
   (if (= (quot remaining-digits 10) 0)
     (determine-digits (quot remaining-digits 10) 1)))
  ([remaining-digits digits-so-far]
   (if (= (quot remaining-digits 10) 0)
     (recur (quot remaining-digits 10) (inc digits-so-far)))))


You're right though, it'll only cause one stack frame deep


Something about that feels like it's not idiomatic though


when I work with multi-arity functions this show up a lot


and I've been doing this


quick query through a code base that I am using and I hit an example

(defn now
   (now 0))
   (let [now (java.time.Instant/now)]
     (java-time/plus now (java-time/days delay)))))


In my case though, I'm going to need the original call to look like (determine-digits 1123), so there is indeed a requirement for a single arity rather than a 0-arity


that's fine


It's common to have several arities that all end up calling one specific arity with default values filled in for the other arguments.

πŸ’― 4

Oh yeah I didn't notice what you meant, you just meant without using recur


Ok if that's the pattern I'll try it


@kamuela I think in your case you don't need to the if in the 1-arity. Just call the function passing 1 as the second arg.

πŸ‘ 4

And just pass remaining-digits, without calling quot on it.


(defn determine-digits
   (determine-digits remaining-digits 1))
  ([remaining-digits digits-so-far]
   (if ...)))


Thanks, that's exactly what I ended up doing


Well since we've dove straight to the logic, here's a brain-teaser: is 0 a single-digit number?


Thanks @iagwanderson you've solved the syntax issue with that pattern


as we like in clojure, the definition from Merriam-Webster says that 0 is a single-digit number.

single-digit adjective

Definition of single-digit
: having a number or percentage that is 9 or less


Not really a satisfying definition, 8.72 is single digit as is -255


so we should improve the definition to find that out πŸ˜ƒ hehe

Lennart Buit00:01:25

well are -9 .. -1 single digit or not?


Any real integer between -9 and 9 excluding 0 would be a precise definition, but I actually don't know what the real definition is

Lennart Buit00:01:55

hehe, you are right, depends on your definition

Lennart Buit00:01:14

I’d say that counting the digits in 0 yields 1 digit, so should also be included


Is there something like Spring Data JPA for Clojure? There I can declare a repository (an interface) for a component (a POJO) and I get all the CRUD operations 'for free' (no code needed). It also makes it really easy to add custom queries.


maybe is the closest thing to that.


Yeah seems pretty close. Thanks for that!


I am not from Java-land, but I did a small research on Data JPA and until now I haven't found a framework web that does that in clojure. In fact, I never used any clojure "framework" to build my web apps

Alper Cugun12:01:48

I had asked why there were three ways to create a record. Clojure Applied starts off explaining it. Also I created a channel for #clojure-applied.

Alper Cugun12:01:33

Renamed to #books-clojure-applied

Ewan Valentine18:01:04

Hey! I'm very new to Clojure, I'm attempting to read some data from an API, but it's being returned as a clojure.lang.PersistentVector, is there some special way to access the values in that data type? I can't seem to figure it out? A snapshot of the data looks like this when I print it out:

[{away_l 4, home_gp 13, stage_id 12051081, away_w 5, recent_form WWLWD, country England, season 2019/2020, away_ga 18, overall_l 9, home_ga 16, overall_d 6, away_gs 19, overall_w 11, overall_ga 34, points 39, team_id 9221, home_gs 21, position 9, comp_group nil, home_w 6, home_l 5, team_name Hull, status same, comp_id 1205, away_d 4, overall_gp 26, overall_gs 40, home_d 2, away_gp 13, round 26, gd +6, description }]
I'm attempting to access it like:
(defn fetch-teams [id]
  (doseq [p (api->fetch-teams id)] (println (:team_name p))))
But :team_name is nil


maybe the keys of your map p are strings. try (get p "team_name")

Ewan Valentine18:01:26

Oh my god, that was absolutely correct!


if you need to transform these keys into keywords you can use the function clojure.walk/keywordize-keys

Ewan Valentine18:01:39

Thank you so much, it never occurred to me!

Ewan Valentine18:01:45

Ahaa that's really useful


what are you using to make the API call?


usually they have an option to automatically convert this for you too

Ewan Valentine18:01:33

Yes that's the one, I was using :as :json for the others, but because this was returning an array, it didn't work the same, I had to do :as json-string then had to use json/read-str


ahn.. json/read-str has an option for keywordize


(json/read-str <your-str> true)if I recall

Ewan Valentine18:01:50

:key-fn keyword did the trick πŸ™‚

πŸš€ 4

Use :as :json-strict It will work better with arrays in latest clj-http


Hi all πŸ™‚, I have a question I am struggling with let's say printing ranges, however including negative integers, where I know I could technically do (range 2 -3 -1) but it seems clunky, I am looking for a function that would return numbers within a range [2 -5] including range boundries


Ok, so I have decided to reimplement range

(defn irange [start end]
  (let [direction-positive (if (< start end) true false)
        end-operator (if direction-positive > <)
        jump-operator (if direction-positive inc dec)]
    (loop [x start
           l []]
      (if (end-operator x end)
        (recur (jump-operator x) (conj l x))))))


That is a reasonable-looking implementation. I only wanted to point out that if you call range with the appropriate parameters inside of irange you can take advantage of performance optimizations of range , e.g. it is lazy, and I believe more efficient in its memory and CPU usage than your implementation above.


something like that maybe:

(defn irange-2 [start end]
  (let [direction-positive? (< start end)]
    (if direction-positive?
      (range start (+ end 1))
      (range start (- end 1) -1))))

Lennart Buit20:01:20

(nitpicking: (inc end) and (dec end) read more natural to me)

parrot 8
Lennart Buit20:01:37

I’d also point out that you can call range with 0-3 arguments, maybe you want to also implement the 3 argument version (`start` end step )


@UDF11HLKC I was just tailoring it for one of the advent of code excersises, so I consider this "one-off". Plus step seems unintuitive considering negative numbers. I would much rather change the implementation to accepting a partially applied function as step - seems more natural to me, but I am noob so :)

Lennart Buit20:01:42

Right, if its a one off then sure ^^

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:01:35

I spent a couple months implementing the current version of range in core. I felt somewhat insane after a while just doing nothing but counting numbers more efficiently but there are a surprising number of weird edges and perf optimizations

βœ”οΈ 12
Lennart Buit20:01:34

now I am intrigued, the implementation is in the runtime?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:01:51

Well that’s all the most optimized one for all longs

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:01:23

You can use range with any kind of number - rationals, doubles, bigintegers, and even mix them

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:01:22

Consider long steps that are a high percentage of the long range etc - lots of overflow cases

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:01:19

The long range has to support 3 different iteration styles - self reduce (highly optimized), chunked seqs, and unchunked seqs

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:01:38

Balancing all that was a challenge

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:01:50

And we were really trying to improve the existing common case, and add the optimized reduce behavior, and not break anything that worked in the much simpler prior impl

Lennart Buit21:01:18

what made you tackle performance of range? You’d say that is not the most β€˜hot’ code to be found

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:01:42

And it has to be thread safe (which I broke in one very subtle case and had to fix)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:01:19

range is used in lots of places for very small ranges, and people use for a huge set of examples

Alex Miller (Clojure team)21:01:03

But really it was part of a broader effort when we introduced transducers to make some of the key seq generator functions self reducible (range, iterate, cycle)

Lennart Buit21:01:14

a class of problems I hope to be dealing with some day


Wait, re-implementing range was better than doing (range 2 -3 -1) ?


I think it is more accurate to say "they preferred a different API that matched the way they wanted to pass parameters, versus what range provides"


as Andy said, (range 2 -3 -1) returns (2 1 0 -1 -2), so now i need to append one more value by extending the range, again I have to do yet another if for which parameter i have to dec/inc and so and so


Oh, okay, but still, why re-implement range and not just wrap it behind the interface you want say:

(defn rng
  [s e]
  (if (<= s e)
    (range s (inc e))
    (range s (dec e) -1)))


Which is one of my earlier suggestions in this thread


not the code, but the suggestion of calling range


Oh okay, hadn't seen that


I did always think it would be cool if range took an option to specify the bounds


But then again, its so easy to just modify to wtv bound you most care about


I think the default bounds are designed for zero based index iteration over collections.


yes, i noticed range is mostly for iterating zero-index things, as for your solution it seems fine and better πŸ™‚ #beginners but you have more conditions, you will be (dec end) or (inc end) based on wether its negative or positive, so it still different code I think.


Haha, ya sorry. I sounded a bit surprised, but it was mostly that I thought no one else had suggested to just leverage the existing range instead of re-implementing it, which I was wrong since others had I just overlooked it.


What do you mean?


(rng 5 1)
;; => (5 4 3 2 1)
(rng 2 -3)
;; => (2 1 0 -1 -2 -3)
(rng 1 4)
;; => (1 2 3 4)
(rng 0 -3)
;; => (0 -1 -2 -3)
(rng 2 2);; => (2)

πŸ‘ 4

yep, I was doing(repling) the same, yep works as intended great, thanks


Looking for a Cron library. I found Quartzite, but doesn't seem to be maintained anymore. Anybody here use it?


is this idiomatic for java IO interop?

(let [raf (RandomAccessFile. "/tmp/longfile" "r")
      _ (.seek raf (* 1000 1000 1000))
      result (.readInt raf)]
  (.close raf)


(example from Clojure Cookbook)


Often you’ll see β€œdoto” used for this use case


I initially tried doto but that returns the final form - how do you return result from the above code?


just for the seek


and with-open for the .close call


i think something like this

(with-open [raf (doto (RandomAccessFile. "/tmp/longfile" "r")
                  (.seek (* 1000 1000 1000)))]
  (.readInt raf))


thanks, that makes sense

πŸ‘ 4

I remember a scheduling library that just took a sequence of times, but I can't find it anymore, anyone knows?


Oh, it might have been chime, except it seems its gotten more features now.


I use chime exactly like that

Ramon Rios22:01:57

Guys i'm studying with a excellent book called "clojure for the brave and true"

bravetrue 20

have you looked at #braveandtrue ?

Ramon Rios22:01:45

These guys made me understand and really get excited about clojure

clj 12