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why does it need to be replaced with reduce
? seems to be working
c.j.d. is very focused on beans. I'd have to do something else to work with builder classes. Still, I have the JIRA issue now 🙂
Only if you do it right! ;)
sicp is a lisp book, but it is using lisp to understand foundational computer science stuff, so it is great, but not really an intro to clojure kind of thing
Learning Scheme/Lisp is a good side effect of reading SICP but not really the point :) (links to the 1st edition of programming clojure, but the 3rd edition is current)
If your goal is to learn Clojure, I’d recommend Clojure for the Brave and the True, Getting Clojure, Living Clojure, and Programming Clojure as good starters
All four? I read Brave, what should I read next?
Hi everyone, I have a web application that downloads .jpg images and stores under /resource/public/img
folder , everything works fine when running in dev, I want to deploy with a uberjar , but the images are not stored under /resource/public/img
anymore, since is a .jar, it seems that the resource folder can't be updated?. I tried to wrap-resources to another folder, but it keeps serving from /resource/public/img
, any idea on why is that?
a resource is optionally from inside a jar, or on disk
if you want the running app to store on disk, you probably don't want resources, but rather files
and you'd have a task at deploy or app startup to make sure the directory structure is ready for usage (and likely configure its location)
yeah I tried that, but it keeps serving the static files from /resource/public/
from the .jar
(defn wrap-base [handler]
(-> ((:middleware defaults) handler)
(-> site-defaults
(assoc-in [:security :anti-forgery] false)
(assoc-in [:static :resources] "/var/www/public/")
(assoc-in [:session :store] (ttl-memory-store (* 60 30)))))
Does Clojure have any good GUI toolkits? I was a bit disappointed with Erlang/Elixir’s offerings, even Joe Armstrong evaluated their options and found them severely lacking. But I expect there would be more options on a JVM language.
Seesaw is a good one ,
Those are the two most popular ones I believe. You can also interop with the Java toolkits directly, those above two are wrappers for some of them. And some people go for ClojureScript for GUIs instead, building over Electron, etc.
I’m a little confused why the Clojure GUI toolkits don’t have websites with all the GUI elements layed out. I also went to the official JavaFX website and it’s hard to find screenshots of the GUI in action. Seems like a lost opportunity for adoption when it’s all so abstract.
I’ve noticed the same thing in Ruby and Erlang, or any cross-platform GUIs. Maybe just not enough momentum for that yet.
Makes sense. I imagine it takes a lot of work to maintain a compatibility layer across the platforms that looks fully native on all. In that light I suspect I’ll still be writing Javascript/Dart for a few more years.
Well, Java has all types of GUI toolkits. One uses native controls, one simulates native looking controls. But I'm not talking about that so much, since native look and feel of desktops are also pretty ugly
@U0K064KQV you mentioned electron-based, what’s the project there?
There's no framework for it. You just use ClojureScript with Electron directly. A quick google found this that seems like it helps explain how to do so a bit
@U0KLE4WHZ is a great sample Clojure/Electron app
Seesaw was a nice way to get started quickly building a GUI app in Clojure, and was able to take me pretty far: But it has some quirky non-idiomatic aspects, some of the documentation is confusing, and it is not being actively maintained. Today, being much stronger at both Clojure and Java Interop, I would probably just code directly to the underlying Swing API.
I ended up using Radiance Substance as a custom look and feel, which fit in well with the music/performance application aesthetic.
Thanks! The problem is that I would want to take some things away while extending others, so it would not be fair to still call it seesaw. And I am way too busy adding features that people are actually asking for to spend my free-time coding budget on a bike-shedding rewrite like that. 😄
Totally fair. I think I'm more curious about, having used Seesaw and swing a lot to make an app like that. Do you even see value in something like Seesaw over direct use of Swing? Like given you had time and money to extend Seesaw to your liking, would you even? Or is direct usage of Swing just simpler in the end?
There’s definitely value in Seesaw, and for getting started it’s faster and easier than learning all the Swing details and tedious Java interop variations. I don’t regret using it, and probably wouldn’t have even started the proof of concept that became Beat Link Trigger without Seesaw to smooth the initial development. The parts I somewhat regret are being tied to it now, given that it probably won’t ever get updated to run cleanly in JDK 11 (due to some reflection on internal classes that violate the new module boundaries) and that it also encouraged me to use MigLayout, a powerful layout manager that it provides a wrapper for, which is also a one-person project that seems to be abandoned, and I worry that the rest of the documentation may go offline any day, as some sites including the support forums already have.
A project to update and clean up Seesaw would be wonderful, and perhaps another to write a nice layout manager in idiomatic Clojure would be wonderful things. It would not surprise me if the Seesaw author would be supportive of such efforts.
Part of the reason things are a little in limbo at the moment, I believe, is due to the overall confusion and aborted projects in the entire Java desktop/GUI ecosystem. A whole lot of energy was lost when so much of the developer community moved to mobile and web applications, reducing the mind-share of desktop apps in a big way, and torpedoing Java’s “write once, run anywhere” dream. Then, Sun and Oracle invested a huge amount of energy into JavaFX as a supposed replacement for Swing, only to abandon that completely a year or two ago and completely removing it from the platform today.
Ya I know, the landscape is a bit weird. Gluon seems to be taking good care of JavaFX for now, but I feel like in a weird way, Swing was pretty solid, and maybe Java should have just double downed on it.
Anyways, thanks the for insight. It's a really cool app you have, with a nice looking GUI I would say.
What do you mean? In general Lisps are pretty damn fast to both compile or be interpreted (though most Lisps are compiled and not interpreted)
Hey all, a few other people and I jumped feet first into a ... rather dense existing project. The original creator set up a bunch of custom ... entities that IDEs are having trouble following. Both intelliJ and VS Code cannot follow their custom functions prepended with question marks. Which are... heavily used in the project. Any advice on helping configure the IDEs to parse them properly? Or any questions you might be able to shoot my way to help describe this better would be appreciated too. 🙂
Please ask in #calva-dev too. I'll be afk a while and this question will be swallowed up here when I am back, I think.
Just found this as well
@jon see
Are you asking why it is allowed to assign the destructured value of a key :foo
to a name that has no similarity to :foo
, like wibble
In general, programming languages often let you use whatever names you wish for local variables and function parameters, and this is another example of that.
I should have made myself clearer. What is special with this Clojurism that allows the binding {wibble :foo}
to take the :foo
keyword and put the value of "bar" into wibble
. I'm just unsure of the way it works, it looks like the binding is creating a new map, with wibble
as the key and being assigned the value that :foo
has from the other map {:foo "bar"}
. Yet, with let (and bindings), it's like this if [wibble (function etc..)]
where wibble will be assigned the evaluation of the function call
It just looks a bit strange and I'm trying to understand why the lefthand side looks like a map
(bit like [{:keys [foo]} {:foo "bar"}]
, but you can't rename foo
to another name, i.e., wibble
, you have to use the form as shown above.
@dharrigan that's just what associative destructuring looks like. consider
(let [{wibble 1 wobble 0} [:foo :bar]] (println wobble wibble))
basically, just how a let binding looks like [binding-name expression]
an associative destructuring binding looks like {binding-name key}
. {:keys [foo]}
is just a shorthand for {foo :foo}
I see I see. I'm trying to understand the shape of the stucture and that helps a lot to explain it
yeah, I always forget how associative destructuring works. I've had this aha moment at least 15 times 😛
but there are times I need to rename the var, and thus do the {wibble ...}
way, and I was trying to understand why that works
a rationale for the syntax working that way: you can only have a given key once in a hashmap, and you can only have a binding visible with one value in a scope
so there's a natural symmetry there from keys to binding names
this also means you can have multiple bindings that use the same keys - sometimes this is even useful I bet
also, if the values were on the key side and the bindings on the val side, a destructure would be "mirror image" in a weird way - with any nested structure all happening in the keys, and the vals all being symbols
I’ve started noodling with Clojure for a while after a long absence. I want to break a string into individual characters, while supporting surrogate-pair characters. I have a solution that mostly works, I’m wondering if there’s something easier that I’m not seeing
I don't think there's ever a reason to use .toString
instead of str
in clojure code, btw
there is a String.codePoints() method that is surrogate-aware - not sure if that's helpful?
Hi all, I have a fairly large (probably too large, for a first real clj/cljs project) project that I generated with the lumninus template and a fair number of options (+re-frame +graphql +postgres +shadow-cljs). I'm working through the project slowly as a way of learning the language and the build tools. Is it worth me trying to convert this to cli/deps project instead of a leiningen one? I have a list as long as my arm of things I still don't know how to do and I'm not sure where to prioritise the CLI tools. Is it difficult to convert a leiningen project? Or are there things that Leiningen is giving me that just aren't available yet?
I wouldn't bother spending time on that. you're likely to run into things that you can do with lein but can't as easily do with clj yet
Using lein is perfectly fine - I'd stick with that if it's working for you
Thanks. It has moved to the bottom of the list. I suspect the project I'm trying is big enough that it might be worth spinning off a library or two. When I get that sophisticated, I'll try to do those libs as a deps.edn project.
To my previous question—my head hasn’t been in Java in forever, it looks like Java streams implement Iterator, so it should be easy to interact with them in Clojure, but I’m uncertain about how.
they do not implement Iterator, but you can ask them for an iterator with (.iterator the-stream)
, and they do not implement Iterable 🙂
Sorry, yeah. I’m in JS-world where “implements iterator” means something somewhat different and I was thinking about it in that way.
(“implements iterator” in JS means it has a property [Symbol.iterator]
that’s a function that returns an iterator object)
Iterator means you have a pair of methods hasNext() and next(0 Iterable means you have a method iterator() Streams have a method iterator() but do not implement Iterable
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find a suitable classloader to modify from clojure.lang.LazySeq
The README says something about about "a situation where you are using pomegranate but do not have a clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader
visible in your classloader hierarchy, you will need to explicitly enable the
support in dynapath (upon which pomegranate relies for such things" but I don't know how to add the support via dynapath
(let [cl (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))]
(.setContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread) (clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader. cl)))
@finn.volkel Add that near the top of your -main
function.(it's what Clojure's REPL does and it's what we do in our dev/repl.clj
file at work to ensure a DCL context for starting Cognitect's REBL so we can use the add-lib
branch of t.d.a. and add new dependencies on the fly without restarting REBL)
What is the status on the add-lib
branch? Is that going into tools.deps.alpha anytime soon and if so will it support leinigen or should I rather not bet on that?
Still to be decided, according to the latest from Alex. No idea what you mean about "will it support leiningen"?
it is actually designed such that you can inject the initial dep context so it could be used from things other than clj, possibly including leiningen
the plan is to integrate it into tools.deps but it needs some modifications
@U064X3EF3 Currently playing around with the add-lib
branch. The following doesn't work
{next.jdbc {:git/url ""
:sha "425d1c367c2e7c585cb85b1b379cf5a3a1c49792"}}}
I have to do:
(require '[ :as mvn])
(deps/resolve-deps {:deps {'org.clojure/ {:mvn/version "0.1.5"}}
:mvn/repos mvn/standard-repos} nil)
{next.jdbc {:git/url ""
:sha "425d1c367c2e7c585cb85b1b379cf5a3a1c49792"}}}
Just use the add-lib
function, not resolve-deps
. See
@seancorfield But still getting some issues in some cases:
(add-lib 'org.clojure/tools.trace {:mvn/version "0.7.10" }) ;; works
(load-master 'clojure/tools.trace) ;; doesnt
(add-lib 'org.clojure/data.json {:mvn/version "0.2.7" }) ;; works
(load-master 'clojure/data.json) ;; works
@finn.volkel tools.trace
doesn't have deps.edn
so you can't pull that in with the CLI/`deps.edn` stuff.
i.e., with load-master
from GitHub.
(it does have a pom.xml
file tho' so I would have expected that to work...)
Hmm, it works just fine for me:
user=> (require '[ :refer [add-lib]])
user=> (require '[ :as gitlibs])
user=> (defn load-master [lib]
(let [git (str " " lib ".git")]
(add-lib lib {:git/url git :sha (gitlibs/resolve git "master")})))
user=> (load-master 'clojure/tools.trace)
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
Checking out: at e6bc29e4c1d9d69d6d9d7cce62ee8da02662d284
user=> (require '[ :as t])
user=> (t/trace (* 2 3))
@finn.volkel When you say "doesnt" work -- could you be a bit more specific about what isn't working and how it is failing for you?
1. Unhandled java.lang.NoSuchMethodException
org.eclipse.aether.RequestTrace, java.lang.String,
org.eclipse.aether.impl.RemoteRepositoryManager, java.util.List)
Sorry I hadn't realized that I have clojure/tools.trace
already as dependency in my project. So might be that.
Added the dependencies to project.clj
of the clean project but still not getting the error there.
Here are the dependencies of the project.clj where it fails.
:dependencies [[cheshire "5.9.0"]
[clj-http "3.10.0"]
[clj-jgit "1.0.0-beta2"]
[com.cemerick/pomegranate "1.1.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.0"]
[org.clojure/core.match "0.3.0"]
[org.clojure/math.combinatorics "0.1.6"]
[org.clojure/tools.gitlibs "0.2.64"]
[org.clojure/tools.analyzer.jvm "0.7.2"]
[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.3.1"]
[org.clojure/tools.trace "0.7.10"]
[org.clojure/tools.cli "0.4.2"]
[org.tcrawley/dynapath "1.1.0"]
;; [tentacles "0.5.1"]
[com.github.clojure/tools.deps.alpha "add-lib-SNAPSHOT"]]
:repositories [["jitpack" ""]]
I didn't think t.d.a.'s add-lib branch was available except via a git dependency.
I wouldn't expect you to need pomegranate, clj-jgit, tools.gitlibs, or dynapath if you're pulling in t.d.a. -- but any of those could be breaking add-lib.
I've no idea how you would do this with Leiningen tho' -- I haven't used it for years.
I essentially want to mine some clojure code that's why I am experimenting with pomegranate
and the clojars api. The other option was to use the add-lib
branch and tentacles
(github api interface). The git approach would probably give me more code but currently all leiningen projects would not be loadable, that's why I asked.
I've no idea. I only use add-lib
via CLI/`deps.edn` and it just works the way I showed. It can load projects via git that have pom.xml
or deps.edn
files. It can load projects via regular coordinates from Clojars and Central. I was just trying to help you with it because you were saying things "didn't work" but you didn't explain how they weren't working.
I don't know what you mean by "mine some clojure code" and you didn't state what problem you were trying to solve.
pomegranate and some other things there use different version of the maven resolver etc - it's highly likely that you can end up with a set of maven transitive dependencies that won't work with tools.deps
I'd say it's almost certain that's the explanation for the exception you posted earlier (and this may be non-deterministic - moving deps around in project.clj could affect whether you see it)
Yeah, that was what I was suggesting a quarter-hour ago: the dependencies listed in your project.clj
are probably breaking t.d.a.
yes, I'm confirming that :)
Oh, I missed the exception in all the back and forth. I think that came in round about when I switched computers...
re "The other option was to use the add-lib
branch and tentacles
(github api interface)." - I don't know how that would work
well, that's usually a good place to start :)
Starting with a problem statement is often very helpful 🙂
Jinx! 🙂
I want to use tools.analyzer.jvm
on lots of source code, essentially retrieving information on the AST's paths. Currently I use the clojars api ( to get information on the artifacts I am interested in and the version. Afterwards I load the dependencies via pomeranate
. Then find all the namespaces via ns-find/find-namespaces-in-jarfile
and then analyze the namespaces via analyze-ns
to get the AST's.
The add-lib
+ github api approach feels cleaner as I have immediatly the information on what is a fork and what not. I can also sort projects on number of stars to get higher quality code etc..
The endgoal is to do ML on Clojure Code. If you think there is also a completely different approach to doing things I more then happy to hear it.
tools.deps can download the git libs for you, so you don't technically need tentacles at all btw
well, I guess maybe you're using it for other stuff
it all seems reasonable to me - but I would just pick one path and kill the deps for the other one to avoid conflict between them
tentacles was more for the meta information of the repositories and also finding repositories, I agree I don't need to actually load the deps
totally agree with the one path approach, I was just not sure in which state the add-lib branch is and what it will support in the end.
the tip of add-lib branch had master merged into it recently, so it's basically additive to the main line
I do not have any guarantee or expectation for you on when it will be more officially available
to be useful, it's api will be approximately what it is now (since there's not much to it)
@U064X3EF3 @seancorfield Sorry to bother once more. So I think there is some issue with the add-lib branch and leiningen. I essentially followed the instructions from your post ( and it works fine on clj
. If I do the same thing in a clean leinigen project that has only clojure
and the add-lib
branch as dependencies I get an error for the following
(ns foo.core
(:require [ :as mvn]
[ :refer [add-lib]])
(add-lib 'org.clojure/tools.trace {:mvn/version "0.7.10" })
(require '
The error I get when requiring is:
1. Unhandled .FileNotFoundException
Could not locate clojure/tools/trace__init.class,
clojure/tools/trace.clj or clojure/tools/trace.cljc on classpath.
It might have to do with the fact the leinigen depends on pomegranate
and that might clobber the classpath somehow.You shouldn’t have pomegranate on the repl classpath in lein afaik
What does the call to add-lib return?
It returns the things it added
#namespace[cider.nrepl.inlined-deps.dynapath.v1v0v0.dynapath.util] don't know if that is the issue
don't know
add-lib is designed to work with clj
Sure. I understand that it is work to make it work for every tool out there. Maybe I dive into the problem.
Is it possible to point to a Java github project with deps.edn
and have it build so it can be used in the clojure project?
I put in the sha
to my deps.edn
and it's acting like the library isn't in the classpath
deps.edn / clj are designed only for source-only Clojure projects and do not include any "build" step
where does deps.edn
clone to so I can build it manually?
is where Git checkouts end up.
ok -- so, if I mvn package
successfully in the ~/.gitlibs
path -- can I then reference it and it'll show up in the classpath, or do I need to drop a jar in somewhere else?
mvn install
puts a JAR in appropriate directory in your ~/.m2
directory, where they can be found by almost any tool I know about that looks for JAR files.
But off hand I do not know what happens if you were to take a project that was Clojure source only, create a JAR in /.m2, and then try to use deps.edn to use it -- might be some additional details about how you do it to decide whether it uses /.gitlibs or ~/.m2 version then.
If it has pom.xml
etc, it works just fine, because it looks like a regular (maven) artifact and you can depend on it by group/artifact/version.
So it really depends on how "packagable" the Clojure project is...
@U0CMVHBL2: noice!
is where Git checkouts end up.
You can sort of use the CLI to compile Java code via an appropriate -e
option that shells out and runs javac
but it's pretty nasty and likely only works in the simplest of setups...
...some variant of this:
clojure -e "(require '[ :refer [sh]])(sh \"javac\" \"\")(shutdown-agents)"
I did a mvn
package in the .gitlibs
path and it dropped a jar in target
-- do I need to move this anywhere for clojure to pick it up?
You should not modify the stuff under .gitlibs
well, it didn't seem to pick up in the classpath, so I guess it needs to be moved somewhere
It needs to be on the classpath -- if you do a local mvn
install it'll go into ~/.m2/repository
and then you can depend on it by group/artifact/version.
Given the path into the project under .gitlibs
changes with each SHA, you might be better off manually cloning the repo somewhere stable and adding the appropriate directory as a dependency via :local/root
...depends on how reproducible you want that to be.
This closest to that I can come up with is:
(defn chain [handler]
(-> handler
(m/wrap-content-type "application/transit+json")))
@mruzekw Yes, middleware is just functions, and composing two middleware functions produces a new middleware function.
#(m/wrap... % "my" "args")
for each middleware
I think ->
threading is easier to read tho'.
(defn wrapper
"Given the application configuration, return middleware that has all the
things we need configured."
[config handler]
(-> handler
(add-config config)
(ring-json/wrap-json-response (:json-config config))
(-> ring-defaults/site-defaults
(as-> % (merge-with merge % (:ring-defaults config)))
You can use just comp
for middleware that only takes the handler...
(but be careful trying to mix ->
and comp
@seancorfield Could I also do something like?
(def chain '[(myapp.backend.middleware/wrap-content-type "application/transit+json")
(myapp.backend.middleware/wrap... {:param1 "val1"})])
(apply -> handler chain)
You can't apply
a macro. ->
is purely a syntactic transformation.
If you want to represent the chain of middleware as "data" you could make them all single argument anonymous functions and then apply comp
on that
(def chain [#(myapp.backend.middleware/wrap-content-type % "application/transit+json")
#(myapp.backend.middleware/wrap... % {:param1 "val1"})])
(apply comp chain)