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How do you go about actually including that function though? It's not actually appearing if I do (my-comp)
I got it, needed to be in a vector and not called as a function
Tell us if this works :)
(defn md-editor []
(fn [comp]
(println (r/dom-node comp))
;(js/SimpleMDE. {"element" (r/dom-node comp)}))
;(js/SimpleMDE. (r/dom-node comp)))
(fn []
[:textarea#foo.textarea])})) ;; this div will get returned by `dom-node` above
so the println prints the component, but neither the calls to SimpleMDE workYou need to convert the argument of SimpleMde with clj->js
Gosh yeah, you're right. I was so tired last night. Thank you!
👋 I'm learning spec
atm, and I'm trying to model a pair of dates:
✔️ earliest_departure
can't be in the past
✔️ latest_departure
can't be in the past
❓ latest_departure
can't be earlier than earliest_departure
How can I model this last one? I need both values to make that check, and it's not clear to me how to do that with spec
I have specs like this, and they work as intended.
(s/def ::pass
(s/and string?
#(re-matches #"\S.+\S" %) ; must start and end with nonspace chars
#(re-find #"[a-z]" %) ; must contain at least one small letter
#(re-find #"[A-Z]" %) ; must contain at least one capital letter
#(re-find #"[0-9]" %) ; must contain at least one number
#(re-matches #".{8,}" %))) ; must be at least 8 characters long
(s/def ::pass-confirm ::pass)
(s/def ::pass-match #(= (::pass %) (::pass-confirm %)))
from relationship between two values is a property of the aggregate, not the values themselves. so you could do something like:
(s/def ::date ...)
(s/def ::earliest-date ::date)
(s/def ::latest-date ::date)
(s/def ::foo
(s/and (s/keys :req [::earliest-date ::latest-date])
#(< (::earliest-date %) (::latest-date %))))
I have vector of maps and i want to send every map by specific time via http-kit. i did for one map like this and it did work. how can i do the same thing for vector of maps?
what do you mean "by specific time"? Do you mean that each map contains within it some start and/or end time by which you want the request to occur?
If the time issue does not really matter, and you simply want to do them all as quickly as possible, sequentially, you can use map
of a function over the vector, where the function body will look like your code above, performing one of the requests. map
will cause the function to be called once on each of your vector elements.
As I didn't find any better, I chose to test for #(satisfies? ReadPort %)
(No WritePort as the user will not have to use the writing part of the channel)
and I hope that is the best I can do. If there is something better i'm open for suggestions 😄
okay… macros…. I’d like to transform:
; I want to transform:
(defquery query-name [query & args]
(query "blah"))
; Into:
(defn query-name [db & args]
((db/query db) "blah"))
I’d basically like to replace the db
object with a prepared query
partial function
(so i don’t have to call (db/query db)
, or so I don’t have to wrap everything in a let)
@jamie962 I'm not very experienced but I gave it a try:
(defmacro defquery [name argv & body]
(let [query-sym (first argv)
fn-args (rest argv)]
`(defn ~name [db# ~@fn-args]
(let [~query-sym (db/query db#)]
This should work as long as the namespacing for db
holds. I'm not exactly sure how the namespace lookup for it works in macros but it should evaluate to a fully qualified symbol when db
is available.v helpful - thank you
Hey guys, I have a Java-interop question: I'm trying to access an enum within an inner class. I've tried IndicesAliasesRequest$AliasActions$Type/ADD
and all other variations I could think of, but nothing works so far. The java code can be seen here:
that's a private static, you can't access it
oh sorry it's both a field and an enum value
I'm trying to follow along with this:
what you have seems like what I would use - what error do you get?
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: No such namespace: IndicesAliasesRequest$AliasActions$Type
Oh, it seems like using the full namespace (is that the right word?) might actually work
Not pretty, but no errors:
(def alias-action (-> (IndicesAliasesRequest$AliasActions. org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.IndicesAliasesRequest$AliasActions$Type/ADD)
do you have an import for the nested class?
[org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias IndicesAliasesRequest
you need one for the Type too
the inner class is a separate class
so include IndicesAliasesRequest$AliasActions$Type
you actually don't need the others unless you're actually using them
@alexmiller In your book, Clojure applied, you recommend to use core.async as the preferred fashion to communicate between components. In a talk, Timothy Baldridge recommended to avoid it whenever possible. What are the factors that should we consider for taking the decision?
well, my opinions are in Clojure Applied :)
ok I will follow them then 🙂
I don't have anything better to say than that :)
It was just a check if you did not updated your view 🙂
Sorry for the dumb question
no worries :)
Hey there @UM1AE6NUD! Welcome here, was nice to meet you in heart of clojure 😄
Ahah agreed! Nice meeting you too @U7ERLH6JX 🙌
symbols act just like keywords in fn position. Vectors can be used as fns, they return value when called with an index. And sets when called with something return the thing if it's present in the set, and nil otherwise.
I've been working professionally as a Clojure programmer since 2013 and didn't know that about symbols until this year. 🙂
my rule of thumb is if one is a literal or defined in scope such that you always know the type, use that one as a function
if neither are, I'll often use get instead
this way you can avoid pointless NPEs for unexpected nulls
alternately, if the program isn't valid when foo
is nil, use foo
as a function to enforce that :D
but this is mostly a style concern, and I'd go with the preferences of collaborators
Hey everyone! I am currently using to convert markdown into html, and using reagent like so to render it (I don't like this method but struggled to find much else:)
{:__html (md/md->html (:post-summary p))}}]
I need an idea on how to make sure my data is safe - anything that isn't touched by markdown-clj just gets passed through to reagent, meaning that writing raw html gets passed along and then rendered. I would like to simply write the text of the HTML, rather than render it, as it'd be nice to be able to write HTML tutorials and what now in code blocks and instead of it being rendered allow the text to be passed through. Any ideas?
I looked at regex, but this answer suggested that it wouldn't be a good idea: