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Oliver Marshall09:02:25

I'm trying to use which supposedly works with babashka but I'm getting this error:

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Method newThread on class java.util.concurrent.Executors$DefaultThreadFactory not allowed!
With this code:
(require '[ :as at])
(def my-pool (at/mk-pool))
(at/after 1000 #(println "hello from the past!") my-pool)
I don't suppose anyone can spot something I'm doing wrong? If not I can open an issue :)


Previous versions worked with bb, but I see there have been some changes recently


Try version 1.2.0 which is from 2013

Oliver Marshall09:02:03

Yup, that worked great!


@U02CX2V8PJN has a fork of at-at which has a lot of merged PRs and which is bb-compatible: but I see @U07FP7QJ0 has made some changes recently to the original at-at which don't work with bb currently


I can probably try to support those changes in bb, I'll take a look soon

Oliver Marshall09:02:42

Thanks! No rush though an older version works perfectly fine for my use case 🙂