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Jee Lee05:02:44

Could someone help me figure out how to setup monorepo with launchpad? I can't seem to get the output path (and the index.html serving path) right for the frontend/ that sits baseproject/frontend

Jee Lee05:02:03

should I set the "resources" in base deps.edn?

Jee Lee05:02:18

I currently do but when running launchpad frontend, it seems to output to baseproject/frontend/resources instead of baseproject/resources like I want to

Jee Lee05:02:17

Oh... solved (for now). It seems I have to define :output-dir and :dev-http differently

 :deps true
 :builds {:myway.frontend/ui {:target :browser
                                     :output-dir "../resources/public/assets/js"
                                     :modules {:main {:entries [myway.frontend.core]}}}}
 :dev-http {5003 "resources/public"}