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I’m trying to render some Ornament hiccup in Portal . It has a notion of styled components that the default hiccuo viewer only seems to want to view as data (not rendering or displaying the html) Ornament works with lamdaisland hiccup. So I could pre-render the html. But i also cant figure out how to render any html string. The portal.viewer/html metadata doesnt seem to do it. (Can you even set metadata on a string?)


No, strings don't support metadata. However, you can use which will wrap the string in something that does support metadata 👌


This is not working for me. Just show the regular inspector.

  "<div>hello world</div>"
    {:portal.viewer/default :portal.viewer/html})
Any hints?


Ok that works! 🥳 But I had tried it before…? I had to p/clear before I could see the properly rendered output. If I am testing different values in the tap> pipeline, the portal view seems to remember earlier values and not update (or just keeps showing the old data), and it seems like things aren’t working. If I explicity clear, then I get the fresh proper render. Is this the case that explicit clearing is generally required?


What would you call this caching behavior so I can learn more about it? (I probably need to learn more about tap>


Since metadata isn't part of equality, if the only thing changing is metadata, nothing will re-render.

👍 1

Seems like sometimes I get a stale view that wont update until I clear. Even with same metadata. But will look to replicate. But it’s a minor issue. It’s great to be able to drive the view from code, so I can integrate the coding flow with Calva repl snippets!