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Dzedas Patapovas09:02:47

Hello i need some help with the strange code behaviour

(ns shell
  (:require [babashka.process :as p]))

  (p/shell "echo test")
i get this error: CreateProcess error=2, file not found user c:\Users\Dzedas\source\repos\shelltest\src\shell.clj:1:1 im on windows , it works on @pez Mac.


echo is probably not an executable on Windows?


you can try (babashka.fs/which "echo") - if it doesn't return an executable, then that's the answer


Indeed. We get nil on Dzedas’ machine for that which expression, and we get the expected path on my machine. However, echo Hello works fine on the command prompt. Even for a Windows-y command like dir we have this strange behaviour, with shell not working and nil returned for (babashka.fs/which "dir").


command prompt = cmd.exe or powershell?


process calls out to an executable, it does not invoke powershell


if you want to call out to powershell, do something like:

(p/shell "pwsh -c 'echo dude'")
or whatever the syntax for that is


Gotcha. Indeed it works fine for the executable we actually want to run. 😃 Thanks!

👍 1
Shantanu Kumar12:02:40

Hi, from Babashka script a.clj I want to refer to another script b.clj (e.g. (require 'b)) - can anyone tell me how to do this? How can I specify the classpath for looking up other scripts? Do both scripts need to be in the same directory?

Shantanu Kumar12:02:44

Would be great if anyone can point me to an example.


Add a bb.edn file, with :paths ["."] if the script is in the root directory, if not, add :paths ["src"] or so