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Anssi Kittilä06:12:04

Can I somehow use babashka pods in deps.edn projects?


Yes, you can add the babashka pods library to a Clojure project

Anssi Kittilä07:12:47

Cool, I was asking because theres this, but could not find similiar one from clojars. Is it babashka-pod only or am I looking from the wrong place?


What I meant is you can add this dependency in your JVM project: And then use pods you like you do in bb

🙌 1
Ben Lieberman19:12:03

I'm trying to use Google's Java API for Drive and curiously when I import it as (:import []) it returns nil but when I try it with the syntax I understand to be correct (i.e. (:import [ Drive])) it throws an exception saying it cannot resolve the class


@U03QBKTVA0N The first seems to be a case of not verifying like clojure does:

$ clj -M -e "(ns foo (:import []))"
Syntax error macroexpanding clojure.core/ns at (REPL:1:1).
((:import [])) - failed: Extra input spec: :clojure.core.specs.alpha/ns-form
The syntax isn't correct. If you use clj-kondo it will also tell you that:


The real problem is that babashka doesn't support loading Java classes that are not built-in.

Ben Lieberman19:12:36

oh, that certainly makes sense. This is the first time I've used BB so good to know.


You may try to use #C029PTWD3HR (Node.js babashka) which doesn't have this limitation: you can use any Node library in it that you want.


Or just use JVM Clojure

Ben Lieberman19:12:31

I have been wanting to check out nbb too so I'll give that a go, thanks @U04V15CAJ