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Drew Verlee03:12:46

Why would the function datomic/create-database throw an exception? First off, help me understand if datomic/create-database is throwing. This is what part of my stack trace looks like:

[datomic.api$create_database invoke "api.clj" 22]
 [centriq_web.datomic.DatomicDB start "datomic.clj" 57]
What i see is in order 1, 2
[datomic.api$create_database invoke "api.clj" 22] <--- calls create database
 [centriq_web.datomic.DatomicDB start "datomic.clj" 57] <-- 1. our app 
So yeah, to me. it looks like it throws. However, given what i see in the logs, it looks like the uri i pass create-database is the correct uri for our database, e.g if i pass it locally it works. Would it throw if it couldn't use the uri from the aws ec2 instance the app is deployed to? I have a question on the here with more details. My current theory is that it's a networking issue. But i would really like the stacktrace to say something even remotely like "can't reach or doesn't exist the thing your looking for" What i see instead, i guess is some repeated code in the stack trace (which makes sense given it's "retrying"). But what did it retry? Create database. i guess. But why did it have to retry? I guess it should couldn't find it right? I'm going to proceed assuming thats it 🐎 .

Joe Lane05:12:03

What version is your AWS Java SDK Dependency (e.g. DynamoDB), JDK version, and Datomic Version? The problem is in the stacktrace: > {:type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException > :message "com.amazonaws.retry.RetryMode" > :at [ findClass "" 382]}]

Drew Verlee05:12:04

Thanks! I'll grab that information, its harder then it should be to sure. I assume the problem is described in the stacktrace, but i don't understand how. How i read the part you highlighted is "i wasn't able to find a function, maybe the url class loader" Then an unrelated message that isn't at all a message but just the words retry, implying that something was... retried. What do you read?

Drew Verlee06:12:53

jdk: openjdk8 datomic version:

[com.datomic/datomic-pro "0.9.5966" :exclusions [ commons-codec org.apache.httpcomponents/httpcore org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient]]
is this the "aws java sdk? i don't see how that dynamodb related, but it looks to be the closest thing:
[com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-core "1.11.664" :exclusions [com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-annotations com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind]]
                 [org.sharetribe/aws-sig4 "0.1.3"]

Drew Verlee06:12:48

i'll be asleep soon. thanks for even looking at this 🙂 . Err if you don't have much time just get me your gut call on what the issue is, im thinking networking right now.

Drew Verlee06:12:09

also, your first thoughts on how to troubleshoot this kind of thing might be just, if not more helpful for me.

Joe Lane15:12:18

My read is: • Your apps call to d/create-database is the first time the AWS client is initialized (because it has to connect to DynamoDB) • When that happens, Datomic requires / imports the AWS and DynamoDB specific classes it needs. You can see that after [datomic.require$require_and_run invokeStatic "require.clj" 21] in the stacktrace. • Inside the namespace (per the stacktrace section w/ [datomic.aws__init <clinit> nil -1] ) , we attempt to load the class com.amazonaws.retry.RetryMode (not use it, just load the class) • Per the below message, we can't find the class.

{:type java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
  :message "com.amazonaws.retry.RetryMode"
  :at [ findClass "" 382]}
Not sure if your (possibly transitive) deps changed recently but for some reason that that class is not on your classpath.

👀 1
Drew Verlee18:12:06

thanks for the perspective, i guess i had blocked the idea that it actually couldnt find the class because i'm not sure how we could have ended up there. But ill retrace my steps.

Joe Lane18:12:59

Before you create the database, try listing databases and see if you get the same result


I tried to excise an attribute over 24 hours ago, and still don't see any changes.

{:db/excise :cart/session
 :db.excise/before #inst "2030"}

Joe Lane21:12:57

Have you run an indexing job? From >> While the excise request itself is transactional, the excision operation is not transactional – the effect of excision is a background operation that occurs during the first indexing job after an excision transaction. More than one excision can occur between indexing jobs, and you should avoid attempting to repeatedly excise/requestIndex in an attempt to make excision feel synchronous. It's not. If you need to coordinate with a database that is guaranteed to have your excision, you can accomplish this with syncExcise.


I called request-index, yes. Weirdly the attributes just went away.


The transactor had restarted and the pods too, and now I see no references to the attribute I excised I'm doing a dry-run for a migration to a different stack, and I'd like to have a little more clarity. The old devs are giving the JVM 16GB of RAM due to performance issues that I zero'd in as stemming from this one attribute.


I'm trying to get the RAM requirements down to 2GB. The stack dies when it hits this one query which has 80M records. A very simple query

(d/q '[:find ?e
       :in $ ?tip
        [?e :cart/session ?tip]]
        db-conn token)
with drastic consequences. Now that that's been excised, I'm down to 4-8GB RAM required.

Joe Lane23:12:09

How many results does that query return? Is that a Cardinality many attribute? Is that attribute indexed? Unique? What version of datomic are you running? You keep saying “required” but I’m not clear what that means to you. I understand cost saving, but why is getting the peer running with 2g an objective?


I assume this is a merely representative query and not the full query. But if it is the full query, consider using d/datoms and processing lazily if you need bounded memory use


Using only 2gb for a peer with ad hoc query loads is really aggressive


Peers are more like “read replicas” in a traditional sql db and should be sized accordingly, unless you have written queries very carefully with memory use and small intermediate result sets in mind


Well, I want it down to 2GB in staging. Not immediately crashing with 2GB is a goal.


We've already paid for reserve instances in AWS, and seeing slowness with 16GB of RAM. If we ever needed go beyond 16GB, we'd be in a lot of trouble. 2GB without crashing sounds like a reasonable goal to optimize for prod

Joe Lane18:12:32

"seeing slowness", there are more approaches than just adding RAM to improve Datomic Performance.


Is there any way to see the status of the indexing job or to know when it's scheduled to run ?

Joe Lane23:12:58

You can check the logs and metrics