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- # shadow-cljs (14) I'm actually quite happy with this code for a change. Thankfully the technique suggested by the problem statement turned out to be a good direction...
I got part 1 easily-enough, but I'm getting one more air-pocket than I should when running part-2 on the example data.
It's weird-- I checked it out and the "wrong" air-pocket is in fact surrounded by blocks on all 6 faces.
@U0954HGDQ i like the brutal way to get the (cubic) bounds 😄
Hmmm... from reading reddit, looks like I should be doing a BFS or flood-fill. Think I'll try the BFS first.
on my input it didn’t matter, but i tried expanding the area by a lot and DFS was much much faster. It makes sense — if you want to check if you can reach the edge, try going far in one direction first vs circling around the origin
p2 3200ms -> 75ms
btw, bubbling might be way faster than flood: most of voxels are surface, and the rest would need a several-steps-long search
Probably not an ordinary solution for part 1. It was my first attempt before I realized BFS saves the day
(defn surfaces [[x y z :as coords]]
(map #(-> #{%1 (mapv + %1 %2)})
(concat (repeat 3 coords)
(repeat 3 [(inc x) (inc y) (inc z)]))
[[ 1 1 0] [ 1 0 1] [ 0 1 1]
[-1 -1 0] [-1 0 -1] [ 0 -1 -1]]))
(->> (parse large-example)
(mapcat surfaces)
(group-by identity)
(filter #(== (count %) 1))
nice catch
(->> (parse large-example)
(mapcat surfaces)
(filter #(== (second %) 1))
Today was a welcome reprieve from the last couple days: proud of this one 🎉
Well my flood fill seems to work so I’m curious what I’m missing for the second part.
Day 18
I’m slowly catching up. Wrote a very concise flood
Today has started another advent style puzzles challenge . First day looks fun, on the level of first week of advent of code