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[metosin/reitit "0.6.0"] is out! Reitit is a fast data-driven routing/web library for Clojure/Script. This is a maintenance release before upcoming bigger improvements, adding the following: • Add support for fragment strings in reitit-frontend • Add reloading-ring-handler • Fix redirect-trailing-slash-handler strips query-params • BREAKING: Drop tests for Clojure 1.9, test with 1.10 & 1.11 • New option :meta-merge on a router for custom merge strategy on route data • Swagger: support operationId in generated swagger json • Upgrade jackson for CVE-2022-42003 and CVE-2022-42004 • Improved coercion errors perf • Add example for Reitit + Pedestal + Malli coercion • Handle empty seq as empty string in query-string • Polish pedestal chains when printing context diffs • Updated dependencies (malli, jsonista, ring-swagger-ui, fipp, ring & co) Big thanks for all contributors and everyone at #reitit helping others.

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practicalli-johnny16:02:43 - enhancing Clojure CLI with a wide range of community tools as aliases • `:format/zprint` alias to check the format using :indent-only style of given file name or file patterns, e.g. **/*.clj **/*.edn`:format/zprint!` alias to format using :indent-only style the given file name or file patterns, e.g. */*.clj **/*.edn • mulog library for event log and trace added to reloaded aliases, :repl/reloaded, :dev/reloaded & :lib/reloaded`:format/cljstyle` checks the format of all project files (or a given file) • `:format/cljstyle!` automatically formats all the project files (or a given file) • `:format/cljfmt` checks the format of all project files (or a given file) • `:format/cljfmt!` automatically formats all the project files (or a given file) • MegaLinter workflow java flavor version v6.19.0 • Quality Checks GitHub workflow action/checkout updated to version v3.3.0 • Update library versions using clojure -T:search/outdated (see for details of version changes)

practicalli 12
🎉 10
Noah Bogart16:02:38

is that supposed to be cljfmt? lol m not n, right?


just checking someone is reading this... 🙂 thanks for letting me know, ive updated...

👍 2
Ferdinand Beyer16:02:39

Updated and getting this:

Error building classpath. Error reading edn. Invalid number: 1.77.1236 (/Users/fbeyer/.config/clojure/deps.edn)
Maybe there’s an error in the file?

Ferdinand Beyer17:02:53

Looks like a missing quotes in line 90 — ah, I see you already fixed it


Yes, I forgot to run cljstyle before doing the commit (my bad). I should add it as a pre-commit hook or something similar as it picked up the issue.

👍 2