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Sorry to continue with the data model questions, but a pretty common operation we have is

  (let [thing  (select-by-id 123)
        thing' (assoc thing :status "new-status")]
    (save! {:table "thing_status_changes"} {:from (thing/status thing)
                                            :to "new-status"})
    (save! thing')))
And in this context i don’t see a translation to xtdb. the magic “in-transaction” is what makes working with our “record” viable. For this particular thing i could say
learned that 123 has status "new-status"
In datomic, which doesn’t give bitemporality but would be still better than the current solution’s history maintaining bits how would we accomplish the same goal - recording that the status of a thing has transitioned from one status to another.


match seems like it could be useful, but it doesn’t seem like i can know if it failed


I've been using transaction functions for mutations to existing documents. The idea being in the function you query the existing document then assoc onto it. Thus giving a change to an existing document. For knowing if the transaction has failed you can use this:

(let [tx-map (xt/submit-tx node tx)]
    (xt/await-tx node tx-map)
    (xt/tx-committed? node tx-map))


@U49U72C4V wrote a macro I've found very helpful for transaction functions:

🎉 2

(require '[xtdb.api :as xt])

(def node (xt/start-node {}))

(xt/submit-tx node [[::xt/put {:xt/id 123
                               :status "started"}]])

(defn update-status [node thing-id to-status]
  (let [[[old-thing]] (seq (xt/q (xt/db node)
                                 '{:find  [(pull ?eid [*])]
                                   :where [[?eid :xt/id id]]
                                   :in    [id]}
        new-thing      (assoc old-thing :status to-status)
        tx             (xt/submit-tx node [[::xt/match thing-id old-thing]
                                           [::xt/put new-thing]])
        most-recent-tx (xt/await-tx node tx)]
    (if (xt/tx-committed? node tx)
      {:new-thing new-thing
       :most-recent-tx most-recent-tx}
      (recur node thing-id to-status))))

(update-status node 123 "ended")

{:new-thing {:status "ended", :xt/id 123},
 :most-recent-tx #:xtdb.api{:tx-time #inst"2021-12-04T08:33:29.007-00:00", :tx-id 3}}


I got a match based solution working


im still really gonna need some convincing to think about transaction functions in a positive light


Interesting. I've got the feeling I'm over-using them. Will have to look at match . What's the negative about transaction functions?