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So, if one uses and does (insert! conn "bobby-tables" map-from-evil-user) is there a way for that map to contain keys or values which would lead to sql-injection, ie, does next-jdbc perform any, some, sufficient sanitation of the map-from-evil-user?


(or use prepared statements in a way that elimitates sql-injection all together)


@slipset I just read over the code in next.jdbc.sql.builder and I think I could construct a hash map with keys that could lead to injection... So I guess we need an issue to get that fixed 😐


The next.jdbc.sql ns constructs SQL strings, so that's where the danger comes in. If you don't use that ns, you're in control of the actual SQL.


Ok, thanks!

Jakub HolĂ˝ (HolyJak)20:12:42

I guess I can leverage col-fn to make my own sanitizations, right? The question is, what can next.jdbc do? It cannot use prep.stmt. for the column names and I am not sure there is a cross-db safe way to ensure the strings are safe. Unless the sql standards specifies valid chars for names and all impls follow it.


HoneySQL also has to deal with this so I can use the same approach.


suspicious #";"]
    (when-not *allow-suspicious-entities*
      (when (re-find suspicious entity)
        (throw (ex-info (str "suspicious character found in entity: " entity)
                        {:disallowed suspicious}))))


It probably ought to disallow ' and the various stropping characters (`[ ] "` and the backtick (MySQL).


While we’re here. From reading the code, it seems like for-insert creates a prepared-statement kind’a sql-string, whereas the mentions “SQL string” and not prepared statement. I think it would be nice if the docstring mentioned that it’s a prepared statement being constructed?


The docs do say "Under the hood, whenever you ask next.jdbc to execute some SQL (via plan, execute!, execute-one! or the "friendly" SQL functions) it calls prepare to create a java.sql.PreparedStatement, adds in the parameters you provide, and then calls .execute on it." but I guess I could make that clearer in the docstrings too.


And those builders do create "SQL strings".


Fair enough.


The builders just return ["SQL string" param1 param2 ..] and the next.jdbc.sql functions take those and call execute! or execute-one! and those functions create PreparedStatement objects.


(I guess those docstrings could be more specific about the use of PreparedStatements 🙂 )