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Hi Crux team! I know this might sound like micro-optimization but is there a way to get the valid-time from crux/q? We need to add something like an :update-at key to all our models and we wanted to avoid to remember the extra call to crux/entity-tx We were also thinking of setting :valid-time and :update-at at transaction time instead but we are not sure yet about the consequences


Hi @U0C8489U6 there's no built-in way to return this information inside the query, but you can do it like this Making valid time first-class in the query language is firmly on the roadmap though 🙂

👍 3

Oh this is nice indeed, forgot I can include arbitrary code in the query

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Ah, I am a big fan of pull so I am not sure that's going to work here, thanks though


Hmm, yeah, adding a custom parameter hook into the eql would be nice but you can't do that currently

❤️ 2

@U899JBRPF would that approach above in the gist have a big impact performance-wise? We ended up using an :updated-at key in some of the entities but now I am re-considering that approach


Hey @U0C8489U6 the performance should be pretty decent (though not quite as optimal as if it were a native lookup). Perhaps a little bit slower than a simple manual :updated-at lookup, but it certainly shouldn't present any serious kind of bottleneck.

👍 1

If using maps as :crux.db/id values, like :crux.db/id {:foo/id 1}, is there some way to query for all records that have some such id? Something along these lines:

(let [node sheluchin.server.db.mounts/crux-node]
    (sheluchin.server.db.queries/query node
     '{:find [foo]
       :where [[foo :crux.db/id {:foo/id id}]]}))


I think you will have to specify the full map as entity id - something like:

[foo :crux.db/id {:foo/id 1}]


if you are going for a "list all" without caring about that specific id, the pattern we are using is to have a my-company/type that would allow us to fetch all the entities for a given keyword


So you just include that field in every document and use it to filter for any given type?


it's also mentioned in the docs but now I cannot find the reference


I wonder if there are any downsides to using metadata like that instead of querying the actual data in some way. Seems like a simple enough approach.


I think such an example is included in the space tutorial. Maybe that's where you saw it. I just wasn't sure if that was a simplified example or a common pattern to use in real applications.


I vaguely remember that benefits outweigh the costs - probably the core team can explain this better but what you also gain is that now your entity type is not "set in stone" - it's just data and can evolve over time

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