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I noticed that when running shadow-cljs pom , it doesn't populate paths based on deps.edn. Is something wrong with this config? deps.edn:


  {:extra-paths ["src/dev"]
   :extra-deps {org.clojure/clojure       {:mvn/version "1.10.3"}
                org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.879"}
                thheller/shadow-cljs      {:mvn/version "2.15.4"}}}

  {:extra-paths ["src/test"]}}}
 {:aliases [:dev :test]}

 {:script {:target    :node-script
           :main      example.core/-main
           :output-to "lib/script.js"}}}
The pom command populates paths to pom.xml only if I add :source-paths to shadow-cljs.edn. Funny thing, because when I run watch command, there is a warning that these src paths are ignored, but for the generation of pom.xml it looks there is no other way but to duplicate these.


@grzegorz.rynkowski pom is a command that only works when :source-paths and :dependencies are managed by shadow-cljs.edn ONLY. if you are using deps.edn use clj -Spom (with aliases if you need)