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I'm kind of surprised that (crux/await-tx node "some garbage") doesn't throw and spits out what appears to be the latest indexed tx. Is this semantically the same as crux/last-submitted-tx? (crux/await-tx node nil) seems to run a lot faster, 4us vs 67us

👀 3

It seems to be due to a lack of validation for the type of that second parameter, where Crux is expecting a map. When you pass in a string it doesn't throw, because get seems to be happy accepting a string (get "asdf" :a) => nil and the nil is comparable See the definition of tx-v: I think this should be semantically the same as crux/latest-completed-tx though and I wouldn't expect there to be any performance difference there. By contrast crux/latest-submitted-tx calls through to the tx-log, which is typically a more expensive operation In any case, I've made a note on the project board that we could potentially benefit from the extra validation, thanks for reporting it 🙂


ah yes, typed completed here and submitted into the repl.. tired brain. thanks for looking into it

🧠 3

np, tired brains need to support each other! 😄