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Jakub Holý (HolyJak)11:01:14

Hi again! How do I troubleshoot what config clj sees and why it cannot find a library? I have in my :config-user file (`"/home/runner/.config/clojure/deps.edn"`) the following (according to cat):

{:mvn/repos {"cognitect-dev-tools" {:url ""}}}
but when I run
clojure -Sverbose -Sdeps '{:deps {com.datomic/dev-local {:mvn/version "1.0.243"}}}' -e '(println "it works!")'
it fails with > Error building classpath. Could not find artifact com.datomic:dev-local:jar:1.0.243 in central ( so it seems to ignore this config?! I have no idea where to look for what is wrong 😭 🙏

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:01:23

You can use -Sverbose to print your path info to see where it’s looking

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:01:55

But I think here you’re just seeing a confusing error as all repos are checked but it only reports the last failure

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:01:01

I would ask in #datomic and they can help diagnose there

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)15:01:26

Thank you! I used Sverbose, that's how I fixed my first error and corrected the user deps location. But obviously Clj still does not see all I expect it to see. Locally if I try to remove settings.xml then I get som 4xx error, which I do not see here. So what else could be wrong? Good to know at least that Clj might be trying the correct repo.

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)16:01:37

Update: instead of relying on config in the user deps file, when I specify the :mvn/repo on CLI via - Sdeps then it works. So it really looks like somehow it is not seeing the file content...

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:01:06

What does verbose print when it’s not working?

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)22:01:06

Hi Alex, I am sorry, I did not see your question. As far as I remember, verbose printed the path of the file that I was writing. I suspect there is something weird with the GH Action environment / the particular actions I use for this. Anyway I have a working workaround and ton of other stuff to do 😭 so I am closing the lid on this. Thank you for your help!


Is there a way to specify HEAD in tools.deps’ git coordinates? If I try A, I’ll get an error like B. And this corresponds with the source code C.

# A
{:deps {org.example/my-library {:git/url ""
                                :git/branch "master"
                                :git/sha "HEAD"}}}

# B
Library org.example/my-library has prefix sha, use full sha or add tag

# C


you could use :git/tag "HEAD" but before starting the repl execute from the project root directory clj -X:deps resolve-git-tags to add explicit :git/sha for every dependency that declares :git/tag


Hmm, getting this.

clj -X:deps resolve-git-tags
Namespace loaded but function not found: resolve-git-tags


Is there a way to make a feature request for HEAD in tools.deps’ git coordinates? We have a use case where a platform test pulls in other services. And it should always run its tests against its dependency’s main HEAD. I’m sure there’s other places it’s useful. But I don’t see a way to make feature requests on in tools.deps’ github repo.

{:deps {org.example/my-library {:git/url ""
                                :git/branch "master"
                                :git/sha "HEAD"}}}

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:01:15

Requests can be made at but I can tell you in advance that this is intentionally not supported


Ok, thanks for the feedback. Do you know the rationale, off the top of your head?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:01:03

If you want to “follow along” to a dep, it is better to check out the repo locally and use a :local/root dep


Fair enough. Thanks for the backgrounder 👏:skin-tone-5:

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:01:47

We want git deps to be fixed references to unambiguous commit points (shas)

👍 2
Colin P. Hill22:01:42

Anyone have much experience using the CLI in Powershell? I have a script that reads directly from *in*, and I'm trying to invoke it with gc .\game-data.json | clojure -M .\scripts\wager_returns.clj, but the input stream doesn't seem to receive the data from the pipe – it waits for interactive input.


how do you know it is waiting for interactive input?

Colin P. Hill22:01:55

It hangs, and then I can type things, and then the JSON parser parses what I type

Colin P. Hill22:01:42

> gc .\game-data.json | clojure -M .\scripts\wager_returns.clj
I waited a good ten seconds and then typed this
Execution error at (json.clj:364).
JSON error (unexpected character): I


sounds like '|' is the issue, I don't use PS, but if I recall, it doesn't pipe things based on raw byte streams, but instead can pass structured data


so maybe the output of gc is being passed via some structured data thing using |, but clojure is trying to read from stdin

Colin P. Hill22:01:51

Yeah, that was my thinking. But afaict gc (short for get-content, roughly equivalent to cat) does indeed pipe text. Might still be structured in some way though.

Colin P. Hill22:01:22

Though this SO answer seems to suggest I'm doing it right

Colin P. Hill22:01:10

I'm not sure about that – looks like they're trying to pipe into a PS script.


clojure is maybe a ps script?

Colin P. Hill22:01:41

hm, good point, it might be

Colin P. Hill22:01:11

PS> Get-Command clojure              

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Alias           clojure -> Invoke-Clojure                … ClojureTools

PS> get-command invoke-clojure

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Function        Invoke-Clojure                           … ClojureTools
Looks like you may be onto something there. A CommandType of Function sure makes it sound like it's a shell function.

Colin P. Hill23:01:45


& $JavaCmd -classpath "$classpath;$InstallDir/exec.jar" clojure.main '-e' '(println "Read:" (slurp *in*))'
PS> .\psclj-a.ps1
It waited for me to type and then ^C
Read: It waited for me to type and then ^C

PS> echo "foo" | .\psclj-a.ps1
Same result!
Read: Same result!
$Input | & $JavaCmd -classpath "$classpath;$InstallDir/exec.jar" clojure.main '-e' '(println "Read:" (slurp *in*))'
PS> .\psclj-b.ps1             
PS> echo "foo" | .\psclj-b.ps1
Read: foo

Colin P. Hill23:01:32


if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
    $Input | & $JavaCmd -classpath "$classpath;$InstallDir/exec.jar" clojure.main '-e' '(println "Read:" (slurp *in*))'
} else {
    & $JavaCmd -classpath "$classpath;$InstallDir/exec.jar" clojure.main '-e' '(println "Read:" (slurp *in*))'
PS> echo "foo" | .\psclj-c.ps1
Read: foo

PS> .\psclj-c.ps1
Waited for input
Read: Waited for input
Seems workable to me. @U064X3EF3 Is this a known issue and/or does this seem like a reasonable solution? Not seeing any discussion of it in Slack archives or Ask Clojure, but I may have missed something.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)23:01:48

Can you restate the problem?

Colin P. Hill23:01:10

In a nutshell, the CLI on Powershell can't read piped input

Alex Miller (Clojure team)23:01:52

If there’s a bug, please file it in

👍 2