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Jakub Holý (HolyJak)08:12:19

Why is clj giving me > Error building classpath. Could not find artifact com.datomic:dev-local:jar:1.0.243 in central ( when I have it in the local m2 cache?

ls ~/.m2/repository/com/datomic/dev-local/1.0.243/dev-local-1.0.243.jar
Do I need to explicitly tell deps to look in there?!


As I understand it Datomic dev-local libs (or datomic) are not available from Maven central (as its a commercial project) has details of installing and using this library, basically add the following to the project deps.edn

 {:mvn/version "1.0.243"}}

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)11:12:53

That is true but I have already got them from where they are and have them cached in .m2/repository/ and would expect clj to use it from there, even if it is not in mvn central

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