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Hi, I did my first setting for spell checking clj and edn. I wanted to check spelling of edn with full of CamelCase (== lacinia schema!). Below seems to worked for me.

brew install aspell 


(setq ispell-extra-args '("-W" "3" "--camel-case"))
and time to time run ispell-buffer flyspell-buffer Happy Holidays! P.S. not sure why, but ispell-buffer seems to not check spelling of “:a-namespaced/keyword”.


I use inf-clojure and have inf-clojure-set-repl to C-c C-t, but it just silently doesn't do anything. When I call that function interactively it suggests to use the shortcut, and when I check the help buffer it shows the correct binding and nothing obvious that would stop it from working. What can I do next to figure out why this isn't working?


hm, can you trace-function inf-clojure-set-repl to see if it is called?


what are your expectations? In what scenario are you calling this function? It should work “silently”. Not sure what behavior you want to see. It is just going to call (setq inf-clojure-buffer <some-buffer>) and provides a way to use the current buffer if it is a repl, otherwise gives you a choice of repls to choose from.

Chris Clark17:01:21

You can also try C-h k and then the key sequence (i.e.: C-h k C-c C-t) which will describe what C-c C-t will run.


Sorry for the late response. > hm, can you trace-function inf-clojure-set-repl to see if it is called? > You can also try C-h k and then the key sequence (i.e.: C-h k C-c C-t) which will describe what C-c C-t will run. Thanks for the tips, these were both useful! > what are your expectations? I thought it wasn't always setting the proper repl when I had multple repl buffers, but it does seem to be working now so it could be that it was working the whole time and I just managed to confuse myself? I'm like 60% sure there's something it actually wasn't working at some point though but I'll have to come back to it when it happens again. Though I suppose also I was expecting a message in the echo area (it seems like inf-clojure does often give message for similar functionality)


open an issue for the confirmation message and i’ll get that in sometime soon


(or send a PR yourself 🙂 )


Cool I should be able to do a PR towards the end of the week

🙏 2