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as a ‘tech’ person, I found it very difficult to communicate with people outside of the industry.
i’ve been travelling and mostly living in a tent for the past 3 months… it’s starting to occur to me that I had been forced, as a programmer to disconnect myself from people
so it’s nice to watch something that’s just about people telling us the smallest aspects of their lives..
and I think it’s easy to rationalise everything we do as a series of logical choices
this guy goes into alot more detail about why we stop learning -
but to be absolutely honest… i’m sick of letting the way that i earn a living define who i am, what my beliefs are and how I should behave
and it’s only through rewiring my internal belief system that I can change those perceptions that have placed these limitations
In any conversation - whether it be two people, three people… or in a group , there will be an element of self-censorship. This is useful to a certain extent because we make sure that we don’t reveal too much about ourselves - because what we write can be used against us if we are not careful
in traditional societies… for example… in China, being the silent type was seen to be a sign of strength
but I think in today’s world… where there is just so much chatter floating around in social media… staying silent then becomes a sign of weakness
and I really hope that more technologists do so because if we don’t… then the world is really going to be run by arrogant, load-mouthed bankers
In person, I'm very liberal with what I say, I openly reveal things about myself. Online, I barely speak beyond answering questions. Particularly through places like Twitter. I'll admit I'm scared to speak online, because it can be indexed, it can be leveraged, and if my opinion isn't "right" I'll become part of a witch hunt. What kind of strength do you think you could gain by speaking more @zcaudate and in what kind of capacity?
on emotions, one of the truest pieces of advice i've found on parenting is, that you're there to teach your kids how to deal with their big emotions. emotions are very powerful, and can totally rule you, even while you think you're in control. you're wise to turn towards them and work with them as they are!
@robert-stuttaford: As barely an adult, I am slowly learning this.
the mind is fascinating
@dominicm: what is popular doesn’t necessarily equal what is right. In a lot cases, it’s the opposite.
twitter isn’t the best place for amazingly deep conversations…as it’s the digital equivalent of shouting across the room at each other during a party.
I don’t see anything wrong with calling them out… well… people may say that i'm stooping to that level
getting into arguments usually become a complete waste of time and just bad for the state of mind.
however, if there was something that I felt strongly enough about… and no one was speaking out… then i would find a way to express myself.
and more often than not, I have found that I was speaking on behalf of the people that are silent.