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Very often people would ask me: "if you were so happy with Intelij, why have you switched? And how come you never regretted? It has tons of nice features". In 2012 I have created a ticket, asking them to make it possible to navigate list of completions in intellisence popup without using arrow keys. Maybe C-n/C-p (like in Vim). In April of 2017 maintainer said this: > "This is a popular request, it might get implemented in future versions. There is no ETA though". It's almost 2018, some people still finding that ticket and upvoting on it and still waiting. Who still thinks I should've waited too? Because Intellij has ton of other nice features.


Pretty parallel to clj/s, really -- they're both tools for people who prefer to change something themselves rather than having to wait for someone else to fix it.


(which of course is true of open source in general, but clj/s and emacs both make it easy (and pleasant!) to reshape the tool for your own needs & preferences)


Well, if your tool isn't perfect but allows you to "bend the rules" it's good enough. But if it's awesome and the creator of the tool says: "you're holding it wrong", "nope, can't bend it" - stop using that tool