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@alexkeyes often what I do to find functionality that I need is enter helm command search (`M-x`, or I think SPC :
by default, not sure, I’ve got it rebound) and just start typing keywords like <cider close> and variants. More often than not I find the command that does what I want.
is there a way for emacs to un-prettify a JSON document? I want eliminate all the whitespace and new rows
nvm I just figured it out - did a M-x fill region, then a search and replace all new lines with nothing
@alexkeyes to eliminate line endings and get everything into a single line you can:
a) select region, press g J
2) use ex-command: press :
, then type s/C-q C-j//g
Vimmers are familiar with that feature, you can do a lot using it. Emacs has adopted some of the ex-commands, not all - but just enough to become dangerous (once you learn them)
here's the list of all ex-commands available in Spacemacs