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Sometimes I have set up a wonderful set of buffers, for example 6 windows split up in vertical pairs, where I can compare in two dimensions - lovely! But then, I stupidly press some random key combination, and order spacemacs to make one (maybe completely different buffer) take up all of my screen space. My lovely constellation of open buffers is gone! Is there a way to retrieve previous constellations?
If you've maximized the window, doing maximize again (SPC-w-m) will bounce it back to how it was.
Thank you @eggsyntax , that helps a lot! I wonder if there is a general solution to my question, though?
(Only asking because spacemacs tends to surprise me by having implemented already what I discover I need along the way : )
There's a layer I've experimented with, can't recall the name, that seems like it would provide a general solution to saving/managing layouts, but I couldn't get it to work very well for me 😞
Ah dang, thanks though. I will have a look 🙂
Manually nudging windows around gets a bit tedious.
And frankly a bit embarrasing when you're trying to show people stuff in your code 😕
I think spacemacs-layouts was the one ( but I'm only about 80% sure.
It's good to know that someone's been working on the problem, even if it isn't solved.
If you find a good general solution, I'd really love to know about it -- it'd be a huge win, and I just haven't quite had the impetus to go through another round of trying yet 😜
hehehe, I will make a note of it!
Ah, yeah, spacemacs-layout is included, accessed through SPC-l. Pretty sure that was in fact what I tried.
@reefersleep, you want SPC w u
for winner-undo