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We're running into an issue with the type inference warnings (and the automatic externs inference, it appears) when we thread js
field accesses with some->
instead of ->
(def window (if (exists? js/window) js/window nil))
(def ^js jswindow (if (exists? js/window) js/window nil))
(js/console.log (-> js/window .-test))
(js/console.log (-> jswindow .-test))
(js/console.log (-> window .-test))
(js/console.log (-> js/window .-test .-identity))
(js/console.log (some-> js/window .-test .-identity))
(js/console.log (-> jswindow .-test .-identity))
(js/console.log (some-> jswindow .-test .-identity))
(js/console.log (-> window .-test .-identity)) ;; <---- Inference warning only here
(js/console.log (some-> window .-test .-identity))
It was observed on 2.8.68
and reproduced on 2.8.93
Is it expected/unavoidable?