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Does anyone else run into this error after upgrading to the newest shadow-cljs?
Ahh guess I need the newest core.async
Nvm fixed by upgrading core.async
@mitchelkuijpers oops, yeah upgraded a bit prematurely I guess. I really need to sort out those dep conflicts properly š
it seems related that I have a nrepl open for that build
Nope I made a boo boo in my code, but it seems to give errors like this when I screw up a macro
And I have one more question, does shadow-cljs reloads all affected namespaces by default? Or can I turn that on somehow
I have one ns that requires all tests files and I have to touch that before it reloads
all directly affected namespaces, so only namespaces that have a require for the one that was changed
Ah ok maybe I am doing something wrong then
I have a xxxx-test -> tests-to-run -> client-test-main
We have a web renderer for the tests which probably just re-runs all tests or only the changed
I think it only runs changed ones
Maybe i just configured something wrong
so technically it depends on all other namespaces but that is not properly expressed anyways
Now it seems to work somehow, not sure what the deal is
For us it is because we have one NS like this:
(ns atlas-crm.tests-to-run
And then this:
(ns atlas-crm.client-test-main
(:require atlas-crm.tests-to-run
[fulcro-spec.selectors :as sel]
[fulcro-spec.suite :as suite]))
(suite/def-test-suite client-tests {:ns-regex #"atlas-crm\..*-spec"}
{:default #{::sel/none :focused}
:available #{:focused :should-fail}})
hmm yes maybe this macro breaks it
yeah because of the indirection or tests-to-run
, atlas-crm.client-test-main
is not reloaded
But it does not matter that client-test-main
depends on tests-to-run
is probably reloaded, but def-test-suite
macro probably inspects some analyzer data and is not reloaded to do that again
Aahh ok
Well it works good enough so not such a big deal
because I also have on for CI
this way I can share them all
(ns atlas-crm.CI-runner
[doo.runner :refer-macros [doo-all-tests]]))
;; This file is for running JS tests via karma/node for CI server
(doo-all-tests #".*-spec")
And figwheel does handle this case I think
thats why I want to do a proper shadow-cljs test
so you donāt have to write any of that
But if there is better way them I am all ears
Yeah that would be great
which turns green when all tests pass
But I rather have a good console runner with watch
and then use a regexp of some sort to construct the tests-to-run
, or rather ensure that the namespaces are compiled/loaded properly
Yeah maybe a bit too much work
I think most also allow you to give the namespaces instead of a regex macro thingy
The code I have sent I just compile with shadow and then run with karma
(ns atlas-crm.CI-runner
[doo.runner :refer-macros [doo-all-tests]]))
;; This file is for running JS tests via karma/node for CI server
(doo-all-tests #".*-spec")
how do you compile? I have never used karma, what does the config look like? and the build config?
Hold on I will share it
I have a karma.conf file in the root of the project with this in it:
module.exports = function(config) {
browsers: ['ChromeHeadless'],
basePath: 'resources/public/',
files: ['js/ci/ci.js', {pattern: 'js/ci/cljs-runtime/**', included: false}],
frameworks: ['cljs-test'],
plugins: ['karma-cljs-test', 'karma-chrome-launcher'],
colors: true,
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
client: {args: ["doo.runner.run_BANG_"],
singleRun: true}
I added these deps:
"karma": "^1.7.1",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "2.2.0",
"karma-cljs-test": "^0.1.0"
and then I do yarn exec karma start
or if you are using npm npx karma start
I have a config in my shadow-build.end like this:
:ci {:target :browser
:asset-path "/base/js/ci"
:modules {:ci {:entries [atlas-crm.CI-runner]}}
:output-dir "resources/public/js/ci/"
:devtools {:preloads [devtools.preload]}}
with the above pasted CI-runner
I will make a example later this week for fulcro users
I see a that a lot fulcro users want to use npm deps but they are not quite sure how, hopefully a example will help
ChromeHeadless is gold btw for CI
(suite/def-test-suite client-tests {:ns-regex #"atlas-crm\..*-spec"}
{:default #{::sel/none :focused}
:available #{:focused :should-fail}})
No more cryptic phantomjs errors but sourcemapped errors in the console
That is only to run the tests in the browsers
With that you get the whole testing UI in the browser
The config for that is:
:test {:target :browser
:asset-path "/js/test"
:modules {:common {:entries []}
:devcards {:entries [] :depends-on #{:common}}
:test {:entries [atlas-crm.client-test-main] :depends-on #{:common}}}
:output-dir "resources/public/js/test/"
:compiler-options {:devcards true}
:devtools {:http-port 8600
:http-root "public" ;; We don't use this but our handler, but this makes shadow start a http server
:http-handler dev.test-handler/handler
:after-load atlas-crm.client-test-main/client-tests
:preloads [shadow.cljs.devtools.client.hud devtools.preload]}}
I have one build for devcards and tests
Oh do you want the handler I needed it because some assets get server from the classpath