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Is there a emacs-projectile-sed ? I want to do search replace of one regex with another regex, but I want to do it across all files in the project.


@qqq projectile-replace?


in spacemacs I often use helm-project-smart-do-search (`SPC /`) with that you can enter edit with C-c C-e and do the appropriate changes in special buffer


If you don't use spacemacs, you can do the search-then-edit with helm-ag-projectile. That's what I use, but I'm sure could search for (helm|avy)-(grep|ag|rgrep)-projectile and you should find an equivalent with your choice of tools.


qqq - I'd use projectile-ag, then use (wgrep-change-to-wgrep-mode) to make the results buffer editable, and then use replace-regexp or query-replace-regexp - might be a better way 🙂


so I'm using projectile-replace, and I have one minor complaint: it's not 'interactive'


what do you mean interactive?


== when I use search + replace on a single buffer in emacs: 1. when I type the FROM-REGEX, it starts highlighting parts of lines 2. when I type the / TO-REGEX, it shows the new value in red in place == when I use helm-ag , it interactively shows all l8ines from all files that match == when I use projectice-replace, I'm "flying blind" in that it asks me a FROm-REGEX, a TO-REGEX, but I don't see any interactive matching / narrowing


projectile-replace is like a 'literal sed over all project files', - is it possible to get an 'show me intermediate steps after every keystroke' ?


It will "interactively" ask for confirmation to replace each occurrence (or all occurrences in given file / all occurrences in all files). I'd suggest to just use helm-* if you want more interactivity (but then again I don't know the details about projectile-replace - I think I've never used it)


@qqq I'm not at my laptop (can't check) usually I would read the docstring and see if command supports universal arguments.