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Howon Lee21:10:42 - neural organizational management / neural economic planning • ◦ Actual creation of password logins in addition to the accounts. No serious validation on password quality yet ◦ Password digests handling not terrible anymore ◦ Add the first trivial editing of grids - rest to come when it comes ◦ Whack test bugs stemming from bad generation ◦ Whack demo bugs stemming from re-frame refactor

Howon Lee21:10:56

postprealpha release coming soonish!

Howon Lee21:10:33

then i'm going to cut an alpha and then the release after the alpha will sound like, pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-beta or something so I don't do monstrosities like "postprealpha" and do monstrosities like "pre-8x-beta" instead!