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hm. was running app on re-frame v1.1.1, just tried bumping to 1.2.0, and the app stops working. initial load seems broken but no errors. any known issues?
Just to narrow the problem down, you can try using 1.1.2. Also, pay attention to your Reagent version - it might be important.
Is there a way to dispatch multiple events from one effect handler rather than doing something like this?
(fn [{db :db}]
;; upload media files one by one
(mapv #(re-frame/dispatch [::upload-single-media-file %])
(get-in db [:settings :media-files]))
(assoc-in db [:settings :uploading-media-files?] true)))
First of all, do not do this - event handlers must stay free of side effects.
Second of all, the code above won't work at all because you return db
instead of {:db db}
Finally, nowadays the recommended way is to use the :fx
effect for dispatches and whatnot. It's well documented.
Coeffects are the map that an event handler registered with reg-event-fx
The map that is returned is an effects map, not coeffects.
Yes, :dispatch
is only for a single event. As I said, read the documentation for the :fx
effect - it will let you do what you want.
hello 👋
ok I am baffled by this, but the answer is probably rather obvious. Maybe #cljsrn is the place for this question, not sure. Anyhow, we're following the re-frame docs and using :http-xhrio
for requesting data from an external API as an effect in an event handler. The API response looks a bit like this (as JSON):
"results": [
"facets": [],
"pager": {
"page": 1,
"per_page": 10,
"total_rows": 576,
"total_pages": 58
"posts": [
"ID": 12715,
"title": "title one",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY"
I've confirmed the response data looks like this via Postman. We can print out the titles just fine to a screen and with prn
, but the city field for example only ever has nil for its value in the cljs app.
Any ideas for why this string data is nil in re-frame?yeah. Some items are just nil, while others are there.
Does it happen reliable? I.e. when using Postman the city name is always some string, for all posts, and when using CLJS the city name is nil for specific posts that are always the same?
always the same, city name is always nil in cljs, but always a string with value in postman. Sometimes the city is an empty string in postman, but since we have control of the API we're requesting data from, I did a test to make sure each city field had a string value and that made no difference.
I've done that both in the request handler and in a screen that would print the data, same result both places.
example from the screen:
(prn (map (fn [post] (:post_title post)) (get-businesses)))
(prn (map (fn [post] (:city post)) (get-businesses)))
(doall (map-indexed (fn [index b]
[list-item {:title (:post_title b)
:key index}])
the event handler that makes the request, which I've done with and without the :api
being set
(fn [cofx [_ search]]
{:http-xhrio {:uri "REDACTED"
:method :post
:params {:query_args {:post_type "business"}}
:format (ajax/json-request-format)
:response-format (ajax/json-response-format {:keywords? true})
:on-success [:businesses-updated]
:on-failure [:wp-api-error]
:api (js/XMLHttpRequest.)
The request event handler doesn't have any data yet, so I assume you mean the response event handler.
Oh, hold on. First of all, your data above has "title"
but in this code you use :post_title
- why the difference?
You use (get-business)
- are you sure calling it multiple times is OK? What does it do?
You use (:city post)
- are you sure it's indeed :city
and not "city"
in that data, or something else?
Have you tried logging all the posts and seeing what the values are, along with their keys?
And finally the response event handler:
[db [_ response]]
(assoc db :businesses (:posts (js->clj response)))))
now to your questions....yeah, the actual key is :post_title
not :title
, I was just taking a shortcut in describing above.
(defn get-businesses []
(let [businesses @(subscribe [:businesses])] businesses))
I realize that can be shortened to remove the let
I am sure it's :city
because I'm using :response-format (ajax/json-response-format {:keywords? true})
and I've printed out the keys with (keys post)
, and the output looks like...
an excerpt from the prn
output that's looping over all the posts and printing out their keys
The reason I tried providing :api
explicitly was this GH issue:
Also, I don't think you need that js->clj
there because the JSON response format that you specify already parses the JSON string in the response.
yeah, I realized after trying this, that
was probably overwriting that anyway. Yeah, we're using that.
I've dropped the js->clj
but it makes no difference
Right now I have zero clues. I'm 95% certain that it's not re-frame. My best bet is that your backend serves different data to different clients - maybe by checking the user agent.
Things to try:
• Check the full response data, before any parsing. You can do that with a custom response format
• Log the response on the backend to see if "city"
is there for those particular requests from your UI
• If that's not possible, use WireShark to intercept the request and see the data
My suspicions were leaning towards either something in
or, like you said, the backend doing different things based on user agent. We have a different API endpoint on the same API that's doing the same thing, but there's no problem with its data. I have logged the data in
and city is indeed nil there. Was thinking I'd log it in http-fx
to see what's happening there.
thanksif you have a REPL in the RN app you can try initiating a js/fetch
and inspecting that
Wound up fixing this by writing our own API route to request the data from. It's coming out in exactly the same JSON, but for some reason http-xhrio
isn't clobbering the values 🤷
that's fair. I hope to have time after the 1st to dig deeper into what was going on but need to meet a deadline first
Is there a way to identify the handler for a dispatch event key in the case where said key isn't a fully qualified ns keyword?
By "identify the handler", do you mean just getting the handler function itself or actually navigating to its definition in code?
navigate to where it is defned in the code/text.