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Is there a way to change the bg color for only a specific buffer? Trying to get an autocmd going to make Conjure log windows stand out a bit more.
my first hunch would be to define a custom mode for the log window, then apply syntax hightlighting rules for that mode
this stackoverflow might help too
autocmd BufEnter conjure-log-*.cljc setlocal winhighlight=Normal:CocListWhiteBlack
Thanks for the pointers, @U051SS2EU
there might be a gotcha here if you were to go to that window and :b
a different buffer in it - it would still have the old highlighting right?
maybe your user flow would never do that
Yeah, I just picked the first au event that was "good enough", since I don't know them all that well 🙂
I think that's intrinsically an issue with using an autocmd to set a specific window bg, as opposed to using a custom filetype with custom highlight rules
but I think making a new filetype / highlighting ruleset is probably overengineering here nvim-cmp support for fireplace shipped!