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I think I figured out what the problem was, seems that it was a monorepo on the top level and the package I had to link to was under a packages directory
Hi, when releasing an app using eternal-index
js-options, I had this warning:
[:app] Compiling ...
------ WARNING #1 - -----------------------------------------------------------
Resource: shadow.js.shim.module$react_dom.js:3:34
variable shadow$bridge is undeclared
Any clue?
hmm did I not add that to the externs? could have sworn I did. which version do you use?
Version 2.15.10
OK, I wiil. Thanks
Has anyone gotten build reports to work recently? I'm trying but it's failing with:
failed to run function:
{:tag :shadow.cljs.devtools.cli-actual/clj-run, :main-sym}
ExceptionInfo: failed to run function:
shadow.cljs.devtools.cli-actual/do-clj-run (cli_actual.clj:110)
Caused by:
Hook [0] failed in stage :flush
NoSuchFileException: .shadow-cljs/release-snapshots/my-build/latest/main.js
I am not sure where main.js is coming from...Okay, I figure it out. Build reports assumes the output file is named after the thing in :modules
but if you use :output-to
then it gets named something completely different.
shadow-cljs can't find the output.
Thanks, I somehow got it to work by changing output to "main.js". I was using this for AWS Lambda and trying to figure out cold boot time, where size does have a impact.
Could this be because I am trying to make a :node-library
and it is missing :modules {:main {}}
I'm trying to run shadow-cljs watch app
. I'm using WSL on windows via VS Code.
This project I'm trying to run works perfectly on my Ubuntu machine. But when I try to run watch app
on WSL I'm getting the following error:
stuarts@x-lap-562:/mnt/c/Users/stuarts/Source/___TESTREPOS/__Clojure/tic-tac-toe-re-frame$ shadow-cljs watch app
shadow-cljs - config: /mnt/c/Users/stuarts/Source/___TESTREPOS/__Clojure/tic-tac-toe-re-frame/shadow-cljs.edn
Execution error (NoClassDefFoundError) at java.lang.Class/forName0 (
Could not initialize class cognitect.transit__init
Full report at:
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong.
My shadow-cljs.edn
;; shadow-cljs configuration
[[binaryage/devtools "0.9.10"]
[reagent "1.0.0"]
[re-frame "1.2.0"]
[ "1.0.1"]
[ "0.2.3"]
[bidi "2.1.6"]
[cljs-ajax "0.8.1"]
[com.andrewmcveigh/cljs-time "0.5.2"]
[com.rpl/specter "1.1.3"]]
:nrepl {:port 3333}
:dev-http {8080 "public"}
:builds {:app {:target :browser
:output-dir "public/js"
:modules {:main {:init-fn }}
:compiler-options {:closure-defines {re-frame.trace/trace-enabled? true true}}
:devtools {:http-root "public"
:http-port 3000
:preloads []}}}}
Ive installed node on wsl, it reports its version as
stuarts@x-lap-562:/mnt/c/Users/stuarts/Source/___TESTREPOS/__Clojure/tic-tac-toe-re-frame$ node --version
Could it as simple as missing the transit dependency?
[com.cognitect/transit-cljs "0.8.269"]
[com.cognitect/transit-clj "1.0.324"]
What happens if you add the above two lines to :dependencies
Added those, saved the file, ran shadow-cljs watch app again and got same error
stuarts@x-lap-562:/mnt/c/Users/stuarts/Source/___TESTREPOS/__Clojure/tic-tac-toe-re-frame$ shadow-cljs watch app
shadow-cljs - config: /mnt/c/Users/stuarts/Source/___TESTREPOS/__Clojure/tic-tac-toe-re-frame/shadow-cljs.edn
WARNING: The com.cognitect/transit-clj dependency in shadow-cljs.edn was ignored. Default version is used and override is not allowed to ensure compatibility.
The versions provided by shadow-cljs can be found here:
shadow-cljs - updating dependencies
shadow-cljs - dependencies updated
Execution error (NoClassDefFoundError) at java.lang.Class/forName0 (
Could not initialize class cognitect.transit__init
Full report at:
Hmm. I don't have any immediately ideas.
• Maybe there is some global deps.edn modifying version.
• Try npm install shadow-cljs
and ./node_modules/bin/shadow-cljs
to use latest version
• Does moving the project into the Linux FS instead of /mnt/c
Does shadow-cljs classpath
show anything wrong?
The next I would try is to upgrade shadow-cljs. According to the log, you are using version 2.11.22, which seems a bit old compared to current being
Like personally I do what said above and use the one from npm install and node_modules to ensure that the tool is version controlled and always up to date when I use npm-check-upgrades
I would uninstall the global one.
do you mean install it like in here: ?
Something like that yeah.
1. Create a package.json if you don't already have it npm init
and put in whatever.
2. npm install --save-dev shadow-cljs
3. ./node_modules/.bin/shadow-cljs watch app
:clojure.error/class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError,
:clojure.error/line -2,
:clojure.error/cause "Could not initialize class cognitect.transit__init",