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@olivergeorge I have found to be a great match for that. You can spec as much or as little as you want, with pretty minimal boilerplate. Would love malli support, but this works great.

(d/fn [{:keys [^::db-that-contains-form db]} [_ & ^::my-coll-spec args]]
    {:db (assoc db :something args)})


😊 The 'core' of this library is completely decoupled from spec. Last winter I made it work with with Plumatic Schema with very little code. I could do the same for Malli, it's basically a matter of "who's gonna use this" I did propose it in Malli and perceived little interest


Yes, I noticed. And interest seems pretty slim in general. I do think though that interest could pick up by highlighting the strengths that makes this one stand out from the others.


I think it was bad timing most of all... it was released after some other libs, and also while we spec users live in some sort of limbo between spec1 and spec2... with interesting alts like Malli popping up in general I've abstained from promoting much the lib. I want to see where spec2 goes and likewise if clojure.core will integrate it

Oliver George21:07:19

Nice! Thanks everyone.


I wrote about our use of spec validation for re-frame events and subs

👍 4