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Can you define an event with just a chain of interceptors and no handler?


@caleb.macdonaldblack No, but you can create a do-nothing handler:

    [a long list of interceptors]
   (fn [db _] db))      ;; <--- dummy, do nothing  handler ???


Actually, better to do this:

(reg-event-ctx       ;; <-- rarely used event registration mechanism
   [a long list of interceptors]
   identity)         ;;  <-- just return the `context` given 


Thanks, that’s exactly what we were looking for.


You can also use the reg-event-fx might be more idiomatic.


@U26FJ5FDM Use of reg-event-ctx is perfectly idiomatic, just rare.


shameless plug: I’ve written an article ( and a corresponding sample application ( about building forms using re-frame and clojure.spec (no frameworks have been created)


@kishanov thanks for sharing, excited to read this!


I have some db event handlers that do something stateful like this:

  (fn [db [_ v]]
    (let [state (make-state)]
      (assoc db :state state))))

 (fn [{:keys [state] :as db} _]
   (let [changed-state (change-state state)]
     (stateful-fn changed-state)
     (assoc db :state changed-state)))
Is there a better way to code this? E.g., using another type of handler or an interceptor?


The example confuses me. It looks like the state is always passed along on the db, so why make it anything other than immutable data?


If all you are worried about is a “side effecting” behavior from stateful-fn, then what i think you are looking for is to use re-frames reg-fx - ie registering an effect handler


sth like this maybe?


yep, you want to register your side effecting function as an fx handler that takes pure data and does the side effecting function


@kishanov good read. I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding this paragraph though: >I’ve played with the idea of mapping error messages to s/explain-data while parsing the returned data structure and mapping error messages to different bits of this data structure, but I quickly abandoned this idea cause the resulting code is coupled to spec implementation itself and in real world it’s easier to have a custom error component that is mapped to predicate directly, rather then carrying the complexity of this data analysis to forms controller. I've also used s/explain-data in this way, and it allowed me to map specs to error messages, like this:

(def spec-err-msgs
  { :user/email "Invalid email provided"
    :user/name-length "Username must be between...characters long"
In your example, I might have tried extracting some kind of :asn/monotonic-increasing-range spec, which checks that the ranges are ordered properly. That would let you hang error messages on that spec as above. I've also written and rewritten my form logic 5 times hehe. Interested in getting your clarification.


I should also include: I had written an interceptor that ran s/explain-data on every input change, and stored it in app-db, so my spec outputs were alongside the values in app-db. These error messages could then be set up as subscriptions.


@cjsauer I’m mostly concerned about the problem of granularity of the error message. Imagine having a spec for password field (our beloved “1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, 8 charachters or more, etc.“). It’s easy to have 1 spec which will either have a regex to validate it or will use s/and and s/or to concat multiple specs. I’ve looked at how s/explain-data works for these these specs with conditional branching and didn’t like the complexity of mapping proper error message to each part of the branch


I’m not saying it’s impossible to do it, but it looks like unnecessary complexity to me. after starting to use spec I’ve noticed that the an attempt to have a perfect validation logic in the spec is an excellent way to procrastinate and not proceed with the actual work 🙂


This makes perfect sense. I have definitely spent many hours tweaking specs to get that "perfect" combination haha. I put together a really tiny gist of what I've tried in the past. Instead of following the branches of the explain-data output, I opted to just always grab the last spec in the :problems vector.


Doing this had the interesting side-effect of "spreading out" my spec definitions. Meaning all of the parameters passed to s/and were now spec keywords themselves.


hi, i have a dumb question that i can't seem to find via googling - how do i make a regular link work in re-frame? [:a {:href "" :target "_self"} "GOOGLE"] routes me to / in my router.cljs ... :target "_blank" opens in another tab. if i missed something obvious, i apologize in advance


i started from the re-frame template, fwiw


   :label "go to google"
   :target "_self"
   :href ""]
does the same thing


welp! i'm not sure what i did, but it fixed itself - sorry for the noise. (i stuck with the re-com method)


a late thanks to @mikerod and @ivanreese

Ryan Radomski23:02:39

Is anybody using devcards with re-frame? Do the two even fit together nicely?

Ryan Radomski23:02:54

This is the nicest I've seen