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@carkh: I'm curious how you're approaching :window/resize
events, because I'm working on something similar ATM. I have components that need to resize whenever the window does. I provide a reactive subscription:
(def <-window-resize
"Window resize signal. Prefer subscription, do not use directly."
(r/atom nil))
(defn on-window-resize
"Window resize event handler. Add once to window on startup."
(->> (.-innerWidth js/window)
(reset! <-window-resize)))
(f/reg-sub-raw :window/resize
(fn [_ [_ f node]]
(r/reaction @<-window-resize (f @node))))
Where a components can provide an arbitrary function f
(r/with-let [node (r/atom nil)]
@(f/subscribe [:window/resize resize-fn node])
[:div ...])
This works great, though the :window/resize
subscription performs side-effects. It's not clear from the re-frame documentation whether subscriptions with side-effects are frowned upon, and what the negative implications of subscriptions with side-effects might be. There are clearly side-effects here:
Though not in the actual reaction. I'm curious what approach you took using events.@zalki: In my case I mostly need the :window/resized event for an impure effect... Let's see if i can make a code block in slack
(ns ss.window ...)
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ {:keys [width height]}]]
;we're only interested in width and height
(let [size {:width width :height height}]
{:db (assoc-in db [::window :size] size) size})))
(defn dispatch-resize []
(rf/dispatch [:window/resized {:width (.-innerWidth js/window) :height (.-innerHeight js/window)}]))
(defn add-resize-listener []
(.addEventListener js/window "resize" dispatch-resize)
(ns ...)
(defonce game (atom nil))
(defn resize [game width height]
(.setGameSize (.-scale game) width height))
(fn [{:keys [width height]}]
(when @game
(resize @game width height))))