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I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around a good solution for this, so I’m hoping the community can help me out. I’m trying to background schedule an expensive computation and when the computation completes I want to update a subscription. I’ve written this and it works, but it seems hacky and frankly ugly:
(fn [_ _]
(let [query (subscribe [:participants-search-query])
prev-query (atom nil)
rv (atom []) ; default return value while bg computation is running
run-again (r/atom nil)] ; just used to signal the bg computation is done
(when (not= @prev-query @query)
(.runAfterInteractions InteractionManager
(fn []
(reset! rv (lunr/search @query))
(reset! prev-query @query)
@seantempesta: can you dispatch an event when your computation finishes to update a part of your app-db, and subscribe to that part of app-db?
@seantempesta: may help
@danielcompton: I could, but I was hoping to avoid doing that for temporary computations.
I suspect it may be simpler than the alternative
@danielcompton: I’ve come around on this issue. Thanks for the good advice.
Is there a conventional way for dealing with the following scenario: I dispatch an event A which updates the db, based on that updated model I want a second event B being dispatched.
When I dispatch event B from within the event handler of event A, the event handler of event B gets called too soon; not with the model as updated by event handler A
@slotkenov: if B's effects can't be implemented during A's handler for some reason then i say go for it... i think i have a couple of cases like that in my app, but they are rare
@mccraigmccraig: well B’s effects could also be implemented in A’s handler. I had them separated because logically they seemed two different actions. But now that I think of it, it could make sense to put them together, simply because of the fact that B needs to happen when A happens.
@slotkenov: in many such cases i have pulled the app-db transformation out into a function called from both A and B handlers
@mccraigmccraig: That seems like a nice solution when separation might be needed, thanks!
@ndroock1's question at reminds me that I want to make a serious but small re-frame app as an example
Because it takes a bit of experimentation to figure out how all the pieces go together
(It'll probably be a clone, where people can submit sentences & translations.)