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David Strawn01:02:29

heya, is anyone using protorepl?


I think most ProtoREPL users migrated to Chlorine once ProtoREPL stopped being maintained (and, I think, was broken by changes to Ink?)


(no updates to ProtoREPL in almost two years now 😞 )

David Strawn01:02:12

Ah, thanks for the response. I just found it and the features look amazing, but yeah ran into several breaking issues


There's a #chlorine channel and the maintainer is super responsive.

David Strawn01:02:43

thanks for the tip, I'll check it out!

David Strawn01:02:58

I'm curious why so many promising editors seem to not work out


I posted some videos on YouTube showing how I use Atom/Chlorine with Cognitect's REBL. Plus I also have which has some additional setup for Chlorine (esp. if you use REBL).


ProtoREPL was great for several years. I switched from Emacs/CIDER to Atom/ProtoREPL after I saw Jason show it off at Conj one year.


I liked Atom enough to stick with it, so I was happy when Chlorine appeared (esp. since I wanted to get away from nREPL).

David Strawn01:02:04

What don't you like about nREPL?


I'll answer that by saying what I prefer about Socket REPL: it's built into Clojure -- no dependencies; any Clojure process can start a Socket REPL with zero code -- you just add a JVM option when you start the process; that means you can REPL into any process, regardless of whether you planned ahead; all those REPLs are the same -- so your dev tooling can work exactly the same way with your local REPL and your remote processes.


I also really like "spartan" tooling -- like Stu Halloway talks about (in conference talks and on podcasts) and Eric Normand also seems to support in his REPL-Driven Development course on 🙂