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Zac Bir15:02:35

No comments on the code, but I love the font choice for your blog. 🙂

Zac Bir16:02:54

Will go poking now, but do you have anything written up (or have you followed a guide elsewhere) for setting up your posts?


Thank you. The font is Livory. As for setting up the posts, do you mean exporting and embedding the compiled js? I generally just drop into :optimized and make sure the project.clj is changed so that the compiled js is written to a specific filename rather than main.js, to avoid confusion with the :development version. Then I manually duplicate it into the blog assets directory, and make sure the sketch div is named correctly. I’ve considered trying to modify the whole quil clojure project somehow so that a single config variable can be set to change project.clj, index.html and core.cljs, but I’m currently on a tight schedule and haven’t managed to work out how to execute code in project.clj 🙂


Oh, and the blog itself is a sinatra.rb app I wrote.

Eric Ervin01:02:36

Nice sketches and presentation.


I did write myself some reminders for embedding a quil sketch in a page here, too

🙏 4
Zac Bir19:02:05

That’s exactly what I was looking for 😄