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I frequently write stuff like this:

(defn some-fn [arg1 arg2]
  (tap> {:in `some-fn :arg1 arg1 :arg2 arg2 :some-local-val some-local-val})
Is there some helper that'd just let me say: (mytap> ['arg1 'arg2 'some-local-val])?


I recently tried to log arguments and return values of functions, doesn't tap local values though


There are several macros like that produce a hash map of all locals (incl. arguments) so (tap> (ws/local-map)) might be an option?

đź‘Ť 1

Is there any way to inject a <style> tag in portal hiccup viewer for previewing components that have external styles?


Currently, the easiest way is to include the styles in a style tag in the hiccup itself:

[:<> [:style ...] [:div ...]]

đź‘Ť 1

I am open to alternatives if you have some ideas đź‘Ś


That is what I intuitively tried first. What threw me off was that, subsequent taps, rendering hiccup to the portal window, would not override previously rendered css. Ex. If I rendered green text on the first tap, then it would not change on subsequent taps. But I see now that If i p/clear , then I get a fresh css context. Now using some config you provided me before, to only show the last result in the window. This fulfills my goal to preview html + non-inline css!

(def last-tap (atom nil))
(defn clear-submit [value] 
  (reset! last-tap value))
(p/inspect last-tap {:launcher :vs-code})
(add-tap (var clear-submit))


Any insight into why the normal tap results are not isolated?, I thought each would be it’s own “webview”.