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Jakub Holý (HolyJak)10:02:41

Hello folks! Any tips for an efficient Portal workflow in IntelliJ, with the plugin? What frustrates me is that I first must open the Portal tool window and then run portal.api/open (b/c it fails otherwise). I’d love to have a single-command way to get Portal up and hooked into the repl 🙏 I use Cursive REPL commands for the p/open & friends part, but it has no support for opening a tool window prior. Ideally, IntelliJ would not require me to activate the portal plugin manually ever…

John Doe11:02:27

i'm not sure about Intellij, for me, I just put the portal/open code into dev/user.clj, and it'll just auto load the user.clj and open portal automatically under dev alias. I think this approach is editor agnostic.

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)11:02:35

I want to use the IntelliJ plugin, b/c is is much easier for me to view and manage than a separate window, e.g if I go fullscreen