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Recently, I diff'ed two large data structures (maps of vecs of maps of vecs...) in portal and because the difference was buried way down in one of the 'leafs', it looked like there were no differences. It wasn't until I dumped both data structures and diffed them another way that I could go back to portal, drill down to the exact spot, and only then, locally, would portal even give me the option to use the 'diff viewer' to view the local difference. I think I roughly understand why it is this way. I'm curious if anybody has ever run into this problem or if there are any workarounds?


the lambda island library has a minimize function, which leaves me with only the stuff that is different. That's hepful. I'll think about how to work that into my workflow.


I've had this happen to me a couple of times and would be down to improve the diff viewer. Having a toggle for minimize would be interesting :thinking_face: