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Dustin Getz13:01:07

Dan needs to try harder

😂 5

opens link, sees lisp, puts laptop in industrial incinerator

😄 1

what is RSC?


new version of star craft i hope

😅 2
👏 2

React Server Components I assume


Oh nice. Yeah that sounds very relevant then. Uh I think the comparison is something like railway to fibre optic?

🙂 1

We can at least like the tweet mentioning electric though!

💡 2

In my latest in-roads on the adventure to smooth authentication of electric applications I have a solution in mind and I would like your feedback.


A picture worth at least 2^10 words...

🧑‍🎨 1

The only time we can read headers of the page is on page load, effectively insulating your electric application from the ring middleware stack. In my case, I want to collect a phone number, send a 2FA code, and confirm it to be true, I can do this in electric lady land in nested (e/client (e/server..)) blocks I can also save directly to the [shared] XTDB instance which you can see as the diamond between the "moon and the sun" or whatever we can wall/call them. So, save to the database an "active session"

{phone {:expiry 123456475 
        :session-val "SEUTHOS751642753"}}
Okay, index by phone number, generate a session value in (e/server) save to xtdb Then, send an "over the air, over the wire" http POST to your Ring Middleware stack for your app. This POST shall: contain the phone and the session value, which the middleware will check against the xtdb values, confirm within expiry by whatever buffer, either mint a fresh session if close and otherwise, redraw the ring map = update the headers and finally, trigger a page refresh on the client via the successful response from that little blip across the waters there (an HTTP post)


I know the boys are gonna throw tomatoes at me but... it's not an Electric client or server it's a hybrid clerver? slient? okay maybe wordsmash not gonna make the grade...

🍪 1

I dno seemed pretty clerver to me

😂 1