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R.A. Porter01:12:37

IJ 2022.3 has dropped, and the plugin is only validated through 2022.2. I figured I'd be able to do the upgrade (maybe) quickly since I did the last one, but I'm having issues just getting gradle to work correctly right now. Plus, from what @cfleming said in his release notes for Cursive, this one might require a little more than just a number bump.

😭 1
R.A. Porter01:12:29

@U1G869VNV I'm working on clj-extras first, hoping that I can at least get one across the finish line. I'll get back to yours shortly.

🙏 1
R.A. Porter02:12:01

Okay. PR up for clj-extras. But that was the easy one. 😞

R.A. Porter02:12:34

Ah. Maybe I can do this. I had tried bumping clojurephant to the latest release and that seems to have been causing me no end of grief. 🤞


Thanks ❤️


Is the Intellij Plugin Verifier enough to validate these changes?

R.A. Porter03:12:53

I installed locally to ensure that it ran and received a few taps. Not sure how to comprehensively test it easily.


Okay, that feels like it should be enough 👌