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I've no clue, trying the #C1DV21X9P channel might be worth a shot

Per Nissilä17:12:24

Hi! I’m trying to convert javascript-objects to cljs objects with js->clj but it does not seem to work. In my ns-declaration i have the following

(:require ["@smooth-ui/core-sc" :refer [theme]])
Then i’m trying to convert it to clj with
(js->clj theme)
but all i get back is #object[Object] and i cannot use it as a clojure map. I also tried adding :keywordize-keys true to js->clj. What am i doing wrong? 🙂


The theme object is probably not just a plain JS object but rather of some custom type. By default, custom types are ignored by js->clj.


If you need to simply get a few fields from that object, you should use JS interop. If you really need to convert the whole object into a map, you can always iterate over its keys and do it manually.


Did you notice this? > Warning This project is deprecated and no longer maintained. > -- I was going to compare what you are doing to how it is intended to be used in JS. But the readme offers no hints, and the documentation ( is a 404.

Olaleye Blessing19:12:36

I have a phoenix-cljs project. I get this error from app_name\assets\node_modules\.bin\shadow-cljs:2 each time I start my phoenix server:

basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
I'm on windows 10


that file is create by npm not shadow-cljs

Olaleye Blessing19:12:42

Yea. Do you know how I can fix it?


how are you using it in the first place?


I'm guessing you installed the npm packages via wsl? but run via windows?

Olaleye Blessing19:12:10

No, I installed the packages on windows and ran via windows


how are you using it? how do you run shadow-cljs? normally this file isn't used

Olaleye Blessing04:12:59

This is my folder structure.

Olaleye Blessing04:12:07

shadow-cljs.edn file



 {:app {:output-dir "../priv/static/js"
        :asset-path "/js",
        :target :browser
        :modules {:app {:init-fn app.main/init!}}
        :devtools {:before-load app.main/stop!
                   :after-load app.main/reload!}}
  :test {:target :karma
         :output-to "../priv/static/test.js"
         :ns-regexp "-test$"
         :autorun true}}}
node: [
      cd: Path.expand("../assets", __DIR__)


so why are you calling that file when you know it doesn't work?


the normal command you are supposed to run is npx shadow-cljs watch app


I can't tell you how to translate that to that config


but its not that


if you must call node directly you can also just use node_modules/shadow-cljs/cli/runner.js since that is the main script


node: [
      cd: Path.expand("../assets", __DIR__)
I guess

Olaleye Blessing07:12:30

Thanks very much, I'll try out your advice when I'm with my PC. Thanks

Olaleye Blessing22:12:25

node_modules/shadow-cljs/cli/runner.js solves my issue, thank you.