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Oliver Marks14:01:57

I have updated polylith to 0.2.18 previously I was on 0.2.16 I think I am now getting a lot of errors like this Error 101: Illegal dependency on namespace svg-generation.diagram in svg-generation.ensemble. Components are not allowed to depend on bases. however diagram is a file inside the svg-genertion component which is required by the ensemble file (ensemble is basically the interface.clj I renamed it in workspace to avoid js comflicts) The error above is a bit strange because because it says depends on bases and neither of the namespace paths are from a base. Any ideas why this could be ?


Can you export the whole workspace and send it to me?


Execute poly ws out:oliver.edn at the root and send the file to me, and I will have a look @U02DXJUS5JA.

Oliver Marks08:01:00

Managed to resolve this with @U1G0HH87L help, if you encounter this error it maybe because you added a component to the classpath of your deps.edn base, this was a frontend cljs base so I was likely trying to solve a shadow error when I added them.