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Olav Fosse20:01:09

Hey, how can I use the babashka.tasks namespace from normal jvm clojure? thanks!


Can you explain the use case, for REPL usage maybe?

Olav Fosse20:01:51

I have some bb code that i’m importing to clj clojure. It uses babashka.tasks, so it would make porting easier :^)


what part of babashka.tasks does it use

Olav Fosse20:01:49

just babashka.tasks/shell


Then I recommend replacing that with babashka.process/shell

Olav Fosse20:01:15

ohh, sweet! I’ll try that. Thank you!

👍 1
Olav Fosse20:01:41

That worked, thank you 🎉

🎉 2