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Hi everyone! I'm curious if anyone is using the, e.g. clojure -Tpoly info project true instead of poly info :project or clojure -M:poly info :project or just info :project from a shell? My guess is that it may be used by a few to start a but not more. If that is the case, then we could simplify the documentation a bit, and maybe remove this functionality.


I use -M only. I would choose -T over other methods for standalone use, but it is okay to not have it.


not using it as a tool afaik


I have it installed as a tool but I pretty much never use it (because I'm always using a more recent per-project git version via clojure -M:poly shell). And I don't like the workspace created by poly so I don't use it for new projects -- I still use clj-new's template for that (which I plan to migrate to deps-new at some point).


(so I wouldn't care if the whole tool usage thing went away)

👍 2