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Ingy döt Net16:11:02

Is there something like *sci-version* ?

Ingy döt Net16:11:22

I'm having issues with the new sci release that I've included in my build and I thought it would be useful to show empirically which SCI is being used.

Ingy döt Net16:11:58

Seems like it would be nice in bb too


it might be present in *clojure-version*

Ingy döt Net16:11:22

well not from bb


you can obtain the SCI version using (slurp (io/resource "SCI_VERSION"))


in your host

Ingy döt Net16:11:16

bb repl gives

user=> (slurp (io/resource "SCI_VERSION"))
(slurp (io/resource "SCI_VERSION"))
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot open <nil> as a Reader. [at <repl>:2:1]


in your host

Ingy döt Net16:11:38

not sure what that means then


not in the SCI program but outside of the SCI program


it's part of the SCI library

Ingy döt Net16:11:59

I see, so I could make my own *sci-version* is what you are implying?

Ingy döt Net16:11:20

will do. I think this would be useful when reporting SCI issues...


most of the time I use SCI as a git dependency so it's not as useful in that case


just tag your releases so people can find out what deps.edn you're using in the version they use

Ingy döt Net16:11:27

well at this point I would be reporting issues with current local builds


makes sense


I've also got an option in bb called: bb describe which prints a map with dependencies used


or rather, what features are used


and bb print-deps prints dependencies used

🙌 1

but SCI isn't in there I think


maybe it should be in there though


since SCI itself is also exposed in bb


anyway, this is something you could do as well

Ingy döt Net16:11:48

(I'm having an issue with the latest sci, and anticipating you wanting to see I really am using a specific version...)

Ingy döt Net16:11:02

I will add those to my todo!


it would be useful if you could use deps.edn in this case, even if only for running a development version so you can find out what commit caused the issue for you


what SCI commit


I use both lein and deps.edn in bb


deps.edn for development

Ingy döt Net16:11:12

well I generate a deps.edn using your thinger


oh yeah haha

🙂 1
Ingy döt Net16:11:04

I'm only using releases for deps (not git deps) at this point.


org.babashka/sci {:git/url " :git/sha "<commit-sha>"}


what kind of issue are you facing? perhaps it rings a bell

Ingy döt Net16:11:25

I'll mention it elsewhere in a few mins

Ingy döt Net16:11:39

$ ys -pC '*sci-version*'
{:major 0, :minor 8, :incremental 41}

👍 1
Ingy döt Net16:11:52


(def sci-version
  (sci/new-var '*sci-version*
      (io/resource "SCI_VERSION")
      (#(str/split % #"\."))
      (map #(if (re-matches #"\d+" %) (parse-long %) %))
      (zipmap [:major :minor :incremental :qualifier]))))

👍 1
Ingy döt Net20:11:17

FWIW, I noticed these are not available in sci by default.

cast unquote-splicing update-keys update-vals
will those be added?

Ingy döt Net20:11:38

Many others too, but the others seemed very esoteric to me. TBH I've never use the 4 above, but they seemed possibly useful.


SCI should work with older versions of clojure so for now it's better if you add those manually


with sci/copy-var

Ingy döt Net21:11:04

aha, that makes sense

Ingy döt Net21:11:24

so they would work if added as far as you know?


unquote-splicing isn't really used in programs. I've never come across a program that used cast

Ingy döt Net21:11:44

I also noticed dosync but transactions is probably a big can of worms


check bb which has that


but most people never use it

Ingy döt Net21:11:56

sci is pretty amazing. was it a lot of work?

Ingy döt Net21:11:04

how long was it from conception to birth?


Well, it was quite useful already from the beginning but a lot has happened in the last 4 years to improve performance etc

Ingy döt Net21:11:10

lingy (my perl platform for clojure) would take a lot to get fully bootstrapped. but sci+graal makes getting yamlscript bootstrapped trivial. even though "trivial" is turning into 6+ months.

Ingy döt Net21:11:24

it's always the little things that slow me down... but the overall picture hasn't changed since when I learned about sci/graal in July

Ingy döt Net21:11:08

Every week I thought, I'll get it done this week. 😄 And I haven't taken barely a day off

😆 2