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Andrey Bogoyavlenskiy01:11:24

Hi! I would like to share that the 0.2.0 has been released. :robot_face: Database schema auto-migration tool for Clojure. This release adds support for all PostgreSQL built-in general-purpose data types, including array and range types. It also includes a couple of fixes and improvements.

🎉 12
Andrey Bogoyavlenskiy01:11:48

There’s a quick demo video overviewing the basic features of the automigrate:

😎 1

Long term is your goal to support tools outside of postgres? Perhaps even outside of SQL?

Andrey Bogoyavlenskiy17:11:47

At the moment my goal is to make stable and reliable tool for migrations at least for PostgreSQL. Then would be great to add more databases, for instance, SQLite or MySQL, and yes, I think any other tool where declarative migrations are applicable would be good to support. I mean, in the long term one of my goal is to build an extendable foundation to be able to support more databases easier.


The foundation would be great. Just access to your basic diffing stuff could be handy.

Andrey Bogoyavlenskiy10:11:01

Thank you for the suggestion! I’ll think about supporting FoundationDB.


Sorry, I didn't mean foundationdb! I mean the extendable foundation. Ever since I saw your project I've been excited about that component.

Andrey Bogoyavlenskiy14:11:32

Ah 😅, ok I see. Tbh, for now the diffing stuff is pretty basic and straightforward. Once I hope, I will provide better interface to build extensions.

borkdude11:11:54 Configurable Clojure/Script interpreter suitable for scripting and Clojure DSLs SCI is used in,,, and many projects. 0.8.41 (2023-11-24) • Bump edamame to 1.3.23 • allow (def foo/foo 1) when inside namespace foo reset file metadata on var when it's re-evaluated from other file • expose sci.async/eval-form and sci.async/eval-form+ • Improve sci.async/eval-string, respect top-level do forms • Add experimental new :static-methods option to override how static methods get evaluated. • Expose destructure • Macroexpand (.foo bar) form • Optimize deref, swap!, reset! for host values • Add time macro to core namespace • allow catch to be used as var name

sci 11
joyride 1
🙏 4
🎉 3
borkdude 4

CIDER is out! Today new versions of cider-nrepl, enrich-classpath, clojure-mode and clj-refactor.el have been released as well. There's been a few (semantically) major releases over the last couple months, so be sure to take a look around the Thanks to the #cider community who is always spotting and contributing areas for improvement. Enjoy!

🎉 25
cider 21
clojure-spin 5
catjam 3
❤️ 2
gratitude 2