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Hi everyone! Polylith fan and beginner here, currently trying to push it at my org. Happy to see it featured a couple of times during Clojure/conj, but also hoping to see a dedicated talk some time soon. Sharing this link that should be relevant regarding the microservices vs monolith conversation (apologies if already shared / wrong channel!);t=jgAFdNl17LCZxTEUtJKNjw


And this reminds me of Polylith’s goal of helping you defer deployment decisions as long as possible, while focusing on optimizing developer experience on a single REPL: “Replacing method calls and module separations with network invocations and service partitioning within a single, coherent team and application is madness in almost all cases. ”


Thanks for being a Polylith fan! I think that if Polylith was widely known in the software industry and if we had excellent tooling support for the most common programming languages, Polylith would probably be widely adopted, to tackle the problems you mentioned. It takes time to introduce new ideas, and it takes courage to question whether you are doing things in the best way.

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There was a slide about Polylith in;t=1738 presentation. Was it mentioned somewhere else too @U017YH1928Z?


Hi Joakim! Yes it was, here as well (16:46), and full stack! using re-frame. Goodman explained how they adopted Polylith after the fact while answering one of the questions from the audience, but that didn't make it to ClojureTV (it's in the stream though);t=1006


Okay, cool. Will have a look!

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Heow Goodman explained the core ideas very well and I liked the illustrations! @U0GL2VCAJ

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Yes Polylith has worked great for us, we use CLJ for the various bases and CLJS are broken up into components

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...also it works really well if you have all of your stuff in a mono-repo.


Now building a non-trivial K8s cluster is complex. For that we use Babaskha to compose the building of the containers.

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