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I'm writing up a Discussion about and want to make sure I'm not missing a setting which already does what I want. In the Clojure cli, a form like (let [x]) produces a short, informative message and hides the stacktrace. In CIDER 1.7 on my machine, cider-eval-last-sexp (meaning, from a namespace buffer, not in the REPL buffer) the same form produces a pretty substantial and complex stacktrace with the root cause pretty well obscured. Does CIDER currently provide a way for this error to surface nicely (that is, more like the CLI)? I'd still want an option to drill down to the full stacktrace, of course.


nicely argued, Dave!

🙏 1

I use the setting (setq cider-show-error-buffer nil) which shows the error message as an overlay at the end of the form being evaluated - the vast majority of the time I find this a much better user experience, and can always bring up the stacktrace buffer with cider-selector if needed.


e.g. here's what I see on cider-eval-defun: